Shock therapy/ isolation

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Billy loomis and stu macher died that night by the hands of Sidney, but someone or something brought them back , back from the dead.

When they were brought back from the dead, they were taken to the asylum filled with other killers.

But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that they separated. They took stu away from Billy.

Dr. Loomis ordered it, saying that Billy was too aggressive and angry, that he should be isolated from everyone else, including stu,

Stu, on the other hand, was taken to a different room, with a table and straps , they strapped him in, before they started to shock him , he screamed, memories of the huge TV smashing into his head and getting electrocuted.

"You fucks! Let me out! Let me the fuck out!" Billy banged on the door, shouting before he stopped as he heard screaming,

He recognized those screams, it was stu, Billy's heart dropped to his stomach

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing to him! Stop it! Let him go! Don't fucking hurt him!" Billy yelled, banging his fist on the door,

Billy was ignored, his pleading and his shouting were ignored and he couldn't do anything but listen to stu screams,

Stu's screams soon stopped and it made Billy let out a sob, banging his head against the door, wishing that stu was with him, so he could hold him and protect him from everyone.

Billy didn't know how long he stayed in that room, but he heard stu screaming every few hours.

He didn't want to hear stu scream like that ever again.

Billy sobbed and yelled out, punching the walls, leaving blood from his knuckles.

He would attack the guards who left him food. He would attack the doctors that would come in until he learned that he shouldn't be attacking.

He made a plan, a plan that would take time. It was probably two days or more when Dr. Loomis walked in

Billy was sitting by a corner staring blankly at the white wall in front of him.

"It seems like you have calmed down. It took a whole week for you to calm down," Dr. Loomis said

"Where's stu?" Billy questioned, turning his gaze towards Dr. Loomis

"He's occupied," Dr. Loomis replied, and Billy clenched his fist, "what the fuck are you doing to him? Did you put me in this room so I can hear him scream? " Billy asked, standing up

"It's for your own good," Dr. Loomis said , Billy glared at him, "My own good!? You're fucking torturing my fucking boyfriend! You isolated me from him! I hear him screaming every few hours! And I can't do anything about it because I'm in this fucking room! How is that for my own good!?" Billy asked, stepping closer to Dr. Loomis

"You need to control your anger," Dr. Loomis remained calm, and Billy titled his head, letting out a laugh

"I need to control my anger? I need to fucking control my anger! How the fuck am I supposed to do that?! As long as your torturing my boyfriend I'm not gonna be fucking calm! " Billy yelled inches away from Dr. Loomis

The two of them were quiet until the screaming started again, Billy eyes darkened ,"guards!" Dr. Loomis yelled, and two guards rushed in

Billy only chuckled, grinning before he attacked the guards, Dr. Loomis slipped out of the room, and Billy managed to kill the guards, grabbing their keys and rushing out of his room.

Billy didn't know how he managed it, but he made it to the control room, killing anyone that got in his way. He looked at the cameras before his heart stopped, seeing stu getting electrocuted . He clenched his fist before he decided to open every single door before he started to make his way towards stu.

In a matter of minutes, he made it to stu's room, nobody besides stu was inside, he was unconscious, Billy unstrapped him and tapped his cheeks lightly,

"Doll, hey, open your pretty eyes for me, come on darling ," Billy said, stu let out a small groan, slowly opening his eyes, and Billy smiled at him

"Hey doll, I'm gonna get us out of here, okay, so stay with me," Billy carefully and gently picked up stu before walking out of the room,

"Guess we know who started this prison escape," Billy looked down to see a doll , "the fuck?"

"What? Have you never seen a talking doll before? " Billy glared down at him ,"I don't have time for this," Billy grumbled, starting to walk away

"We are all going to escape together," a young girl came up to him," we're gonna steal a bus," she added

Billy glanced down at stu before looking at the girl, "Take me to the bus," the girl nodded

Billy followed the girl to the bus, getting inside, seeing others already sitting down , rather quietly,

He went all way to the back and settled stu down, stu let out a small groan

"Shh, it's okay," Billy whispered, taking a seat next to stu, holding him close , pressing a kiss to his head

Billy didn't pay attention to the others or when the bus started to move, he just held stu, whispering to him

"So...are we gonna acknowledge the two new guys?" A burnt guy questioned

"I quite want to know who the two of you are?" Another questioned

"Yeah, since one has this crazy look in his eyes covered in blood while the other is unconscious with shock burns on each side of his head , " another said

"Who the hell are you guys?"

Billy looked at them , "I'm Billy loomis, and this is stu macher, " Billy introduced himself and stu

"We're ghostface,"
Word count - 963

Hope you enjoy

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