Getting mickey and Randy toghether

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Requested by Chuusolosuandurmom
Part two of I'm not jealous!
Hope you enjoy

Randy meeks dreamily stared at mickey altieri, who was messing around with his camera.

Randy was startled when a hand patted him on the shoulder a bit roughly, knowing who it was. He turned and gave them a small glare but only got a smirk in return.

"What do you want loomis?" Randy questioned, turning back to stare at mickey ," I'm just wondering why you're being a stalker," Billy replied

"I'm not being a stalker!" Randy told him, scoffing, and Billy chuckled ,"uh-huh , then why have you been following mickey for almost twenty minutes?" He questioned, gesturing towards mickey, who was now walking away

"How do you know that? Have you been following me?" Randy asked, narrowing his eyes at Billy

"As if, " Billy scoffed ,"I have minions around, they tell me things," he said

Randy chuckled, "Minions, how could i forget ? You probably have a whole cult," he said, with a shake of his head

"So, when are you going to man up and confess your feeling for mickey?" Billy questioned, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and a lighter

"When are you going to quit smoking?" Randy retorted , waving his hand around to clear the smoke from his face

Billy tsk, "Just confess already,"

Randy shook his head ,"I can't man, what if he doesn't like me back? What if we stop being friends after I confess? That will break me, I can't handle that," Randy told him

Billy sighs, "Yeah, I can understand that, shit, I felt the same feeling you're feeling right now when I wanted to confess to stu,"

Randy turned to look at him in surpise, " You? Willam loomis got scared of confessing his feelings for his best friend? That's a shocker. Are you sure you're not a skin walker? Because I know for a fact that willam loomis does not get scared of anything," Randy said

Billy rolled his eyes ,"Stop calling me willam. It's billy and second...I was afraid that nothing would be the same between me and stu, it wasn' was better, " Billy told him

"How Extacly did you get courage to confess your feelings for him?" Randy asked, and Billy chuckled ,"Sidney, man, she literally slapped me and told me to get over myself , "

Randy laughed,"I totally see that happening," Billy chuckled before throwing his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it

"It's better if you confess. Who knows, he might like you back," With that, Billy walked away , leaving Randy to his thoughts.

Mickey was walking while looking down his camera. He looked up as he felt an arm around his shoulder, "Oh hey, stu," he greeted

"Hey, what'cha doing there?" Stu questioned, glancing down at the camera."Oh, just looking over some of the film, " mickey replied and stu nodded

"So, I was wondering, are you coming to my party tonight? " stu questioned, "Sure, is Randy going to be there?" Mickey asked, and stu grinned

"Of course he is. He never misses a party,maybe the two of you can finally get together," stu said

Mickey started to blush ,"I- I have no idea what you're talking about," stu chuckled

"You and Randy like each other, dude it's so obvious to everyone beside you and Randy," stu told him

"It's that obvious?" Mickey questioned and stu nodded , "uh-huh,"

"What should I do?" Mickey asked, and stu grinned down at him ,"I've got an idea,"

"Okay, so here's the plan....."
Mickey sat on stu's couch, nursing a beer in hand, Randy sat a few seats away, already drowning down his sixth beer.

A few other people scattered around the living room, all watching the horror movie Randy brought from the blockbuster,

Others were around the house dancing, drinking, and chatting away.

Mickey was completely minding his own business when a guy came up and sat beside him , earning a look from Randy ,

"Hi, I'm Leo, and you are?" The guy asked, looking at mickey, who turned to look at him

"Oh, I'm uh..mickey altieri ," he said , shaking the guys hand , "so, are you alone tonight? " Leo questioned

"Uh.. yeah," mickey replied with a slight nod ,"do you wanna get out of here? And hang out? Maybe upstairs?" Leo suggested in a flirtious tone

Before mickey could answer, an arm snaked around his waist, and a chin rested on his shoulder.

"Go away, go bother someone else's boyfriend,"it was Randy , and mickey blushed as Randy had called him his boyfriend

"Oh, sorry ," Leo stood up and walked away , mickey turned to Randy, who took a sip of his beer, finishing it

"What was that?" Mickey asked ,and Randy scoffed ,"That guy was totally trying to get into your pants. Can't he see that you're taken," Randy grumbled

"I am? By who?" Mickey asked , titling his head to the side, and Randy blushed before confidently said ,"by me,"

"Really?" Randy nodded ,"Yeah, you're mine," mickey smiled , leaning close to Randy to whisper in his ear

"Then why don't you show me and everyone else that I am yours?" Randy blushed even redder, but he quickly stood up, grabbing mickeys hand and dragging him upstairs.

Stu let out a small laugh seeing mickey and Randy rushing upstairs, "finally," he said

"I underestimated Randy," Billy said, drowning the cup of vodka down

"He just needed a little push," stu told him, before he kissed his cheek ,"I'm gonna go check on Tatum and Sidney," Billy nodded and stu walked away

Billy smirked to himself ,"That little shit really did it, huh? " he shook his head before grabbing a bottle of vodka

"Really proud you, dipshit,"
Word count - 955

Hope you enjoy

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