prank war , girl's vs boys

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They didn't know how the prank war started, but neither of the teams wanted to stop until one of them had won.

It was a boys vs. girls competition, although the boys had more members than the girls , which was totally unfair

The girls' team had Sidney, Tatum, Hallie, and Gale, so that's four of them against Billy, stu, mickey, Randy, Derek, dewey and Roman

It was not fair at all, so the girls hatched a plan. They planned to go to the two most peer pressured in the group

Which were, of course, mickey and stu, being the best friend of Tatum, it was easy to convince stu to go to the girls' side , and Hallie knowing mickeys secret, it was easy to convince him to also go to the girls side

But they still had uneven number, but the boys were still feeling the betrayal from their two members, were a bit vulnerable for pranks

Although stu was completely useless while pranking Billy because he didn't want to prank Billy, he still cheered on the girls and apologized to Billy,

Billy, on the other hand, was a man on a misson. He was pretty pissed at the girls for stealing his boyfriend and partner in crime

So he did the logical thing, he took him back, but the girls found out and now they were arguing

"Guy's shut up!" Stu interrupted, cutting all arguments

Everyone looked at him, "This..this is too much pressure, I can't choose between my best friend and my boyfriend, so.. I'm dropping out of this prank war, I'm done, but I will be cheering you guys on," stu told them

"Speaking of dropping out, I'm dropping out too, I have flim class, and I don't want you guys anywhere near my equipment," mickey said

"Great! The best pranksters are out of the war," Tatum groaned out, crossing her arms

"Mabye we should call truce?" Sidney suggested, "Yeah, we should, we start school tomorrow again, remember?" Derek said

"Fine, we'll call truce," everyone else grumbled and called truce . Once the girls left, the boys looked at each other

"So, dye in their shampoo?" Billy suggested," Definitely," everyone nodded, agreeing

As the girls were walking away ,Tatum chuckled ,"So, itching powder in their clothes?"

"Hell yeah,"

Mickey turned to stu, "Are we gonna stop them?" Stu shook his head ," nope,"

"We dropped out. It's not our problem anymore, so ice cream?"
Word count - 410

Hope you enjoy

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