The bloodbath party

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Stu macher has thrown yet another party, but this party was different than the other's he's thrown.

You must be wondering why, well, for starters, Billy loomis and stu macher planned to literally kill everyone at the party.

It was Billy's idea, but stu went along with it.

Once everyone had arrived at the party, Billy had snuck out and put chains on the doors before he snuck back inside . Luckily, stu didn't throw the party at his house but at an abandoned warehouse.

It was also a Halloween party, so everyone was dressed and wearing masks, so nobody questioned stu or Billy when they were dressed as ghostface.

Of course, both of them had gotten permission from Michael that they could kill on Halloween,

Michael only agreed because the two of them wouldn't stop annoying him. He could've killed them, but they'll just come back again , like always.

While Michael was busy killing others in their homes, Billy and stu were busy killing everyone at the party.

At first, they sneakily and stealthy killed teens , stabbing them all over before just dropping their bodies,

Both of them had decided to split up since there were too many teens. Billy went one way and stu went the other, killing anyone they saw, blood dripping from their knifes, leaving blood trails.

Stu walked through the hall, seeing a couple making out. He titled his head before tapping the guy on his shoulder

"Fuck off!" The guy rudely said and stu tapped him again this time with the knife

"Dude! Take a hint fuck of-" he was cut off by stu slicing his throat open, his girlfriend scream, and stu stabbed her in the chest, taking the knife and stabbing her again and again,until her body dropped to the ground,

Satisfied, he continued on his way. He saw a girl stumbling around drunk. He stood in front of her, lifting her chin up, and she smiled and giggled at him, and he lifted the knife, slicing her throat open, before gutting her open, her guts spilling on the ground.

"What the fuck!" Stu looked up,dropping the girls body on the ground, he saw a guy dressed a lion staring at him with wide eyes.

Stu lifted his hand and waved him, a small giggle escaping him as he saw the guy start to run.

Stu gave chase, loving the thrill of it.
Billy tsk, roughly pushing the person he just killed to the ground. He cracked his neck before turning his head to left as he heard giggling of two girls.

He started walking towards them, the two girls looked at him, he didn't hesitate to slice of the girls throat open before stabbing the other in the chest.

A scream echoed throughout the loud warehouse, and Billy swore he was deaf now. He looked over at the girl who had screamed. She was standing there a red cup lying by her feet , Billy pulled the knife out from the other girl, her body dropping to the ground with a sickening thud.

The girl who was in shock stumbled back watching Billy with wide, terrified eyes. Billy titled his head. He loved seeing the looks on his victims' faces ,

He slowly stalked forward. He was a few inches away from the girl when she ran, and Billy smirked before giving Chase.

It was fun when they ran, thinking they had a chance at survival,fun fact....they don't, and Billy just loves the heck out of that.
Stu panted slightly as he stood up, looking down at the guy who was dressed as a lion, blood splattered all over him, and stu couldn't help the little laugh that escaped him.

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