"it..it was just a stupid prank"

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Requested by emmalowes1

Nobody knew how the prank war started. All everyone knew was that Billy and stu were in the middle of a prank war, and nobody wanted to get caught in between it.

Most people found it adorable. While others found it quite hilarious, and some found it annoying.

The prank war started extacly a week ago. So far, stu had dyed Billy's hair bright pink, billy had glittered bomb stu,

Stu stole all of Billy's clothes, Billy took apart stu's bed, stu superglued Billy to his desk chair , Billy put itching powder in stu's clothes , stu rearrange all of Billy's clothes,

It was an endless cycle of pranks once the prank war started. Billy had started running out of ideas on how to prank stu while stu seemed to have a whole list of ideas.

Sometimes Billy loves the way stu thinks, and sometimes he doesn't.

Stu could be an evil genius when he wants to be.

Stu was currently winning on this stupid prank war, and Billy was clearly losing.

Billy, out of nowhere, got the bright idea to scare stu. They were having a movie night .

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the kicthen real quick," Billy told stu, who nodded, throwing a popcorn into his mouth.

Billy stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Stu was taking a drink of his soda when he heard Billy calling for him, confused he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

He didn't see Billy anywhere , "Billy?" He called out, but he got no response.

"Billly?" The door behind stu slowly opened. "Billy?" Stu turned around and let out a scream accidentally tripping on something when he backed up, and he fell, his head hitting the counter , and he fell to the floor, not moving at all.

"Shit..stu?shit shit," Billy cursed,taking off the mask, and he kneeled down besides stu, shaking him slightly.

"Babe!this isn't funny. Come on, wake up!" Billy slightly slapped his cheek, but stu didn't wake up, and Billy saw blood pooling underneath his head

"Shit, shit," Billy cursed, getting up and grabbing the phone to dail 911.

Stu let out a small groan, and Billy was immediately at his side ,"Hey, Hey don't try to move okay, the ambulance is on their way," Billy told him, stu let out a small whine leaning against Billy.

"Wha...what happened?" He questioned, "Fuck, I'm so sorry stu, it was a stupid prank, I didn't know this would happen, I'm so sorry, please forgive me," Billy told him, holding him close

"I will always forgive you billy..but what happened?" Stu looked up at Billy, noticing that he has tears in his eyes.

"You tripped, and you fell hiting your head against the counter, I'm so sorry ," stu rested his head against Billy shoulder

"We..we should call truce," he whispered
"Yeah, let's, let's call truce," Billy said, with a nod

"Pinkie truce?" Stu lifted up his pinkie, Billy let out a small chuckle before hooking his pinkie with stu's, "pinkie truce,"
"Willam loomis!" Billy sighed as he heard Tatum shout his name . She stormed into the hospital room with Sidney following behind her.

"What the hell were you thinking!?he could've died!" Tatum told him, "he apologized, and I forgiven him already." Stu told them

"Doesn't mean I should," Tatum said, crossing her arms ," we called truce already, we pinkie truce if that matters," Billy told them

Tatum could tell he was feeling very guilty, she sigh and went over to stu ,"you okay?" He nodded

"Yeah, I'm alright, Billy promised me that he would buy me all the ice cream I wanted," Tatum glanced at Billy, who looked down at the ground

"Yeah, he's a good boyfriend, isn't he," Billy looked up at Tatum, but she was already looking back at stu, who nodded with a smile on his face.

"The best," Billy smiled, reaching out and grabbing stu's hand in his, stu squeezed his hand.

The prank war ended, but stu's and Billy's relationship strengthened.
Word count - 680 words

Hope you enjoy

Has anyone ever pranked anyone before?

I don't really prank people, but I just scare them, I love scaring people, especially my sister.

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