" just hold on!"

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Requested by lemonymelonyzesty

Hope you enjoy

This is an AU where Billy and stu are not the killers.
Billy- 20
Sidney- 20
Tatum- 19
Randy- 19
Dewey- 30
Ghostface was chasing them. They managed to kill a few of their friends ,and they were running for their lives.

Hallie tripped and fell, stu noticed and went to help her, as the others kept running , not noticing Hallie and stu were falling behind

"Are you okay?" Stu asked, helping her up ," I think I twisted my ankle," Hallie said, with a grunt of pain

"Okay, um..I'll help you," stu said, putting an arm around her waist, and she threw an arm over his shoulder.

"Fuck, where did the others go?" Hallie asked, looking ahead ,"I think they're turned left...or Mabye right?" Stu guessed and Hallie gave him a look

"I'm sorry, I don't do well under pressure," stu told her, as they quickly walked to catch up with the others.

"Shit, I can't believe they left us," Hallie winced out , "I don't think they know," stu told her

"Stu...did you hear that?" Hallie whispered as there was a noise behind them, stu glanced behind them and saw one of the Ghostface," shit. " he cursed under his breath, and he looked around before spotting a building

"Come on," he helped Hallie over to the building. He let go of Hallie once they were inside, and he shut the door closed before Ghostface could get inside

"Upstairs!we should head upstairs," Hallie told him, and stu nodded and helped Hallie upstairs

As they reached upstairs, they heard a door slam open , Hallie and stu went into a room and stu shut the door behind them and sawna drawer and moved the drawer in front of the door.

"Fuck! What do we do?" Hallie questioned."Um.. I don't know," stu confessed

"Oh God, we are so gonna die!" Hallie panicked," we're not going to die," stu told her , as he looked around the room.

He saw a window, and he walked over to it and unlocked it, sliding it open, and he peaked his head outside. "Is there a fire escape?" Hallie asked, limping over . He shook his head. "No," he said

"Stu!" Stu lifted up his head and saw Billy on the other side, with a relief and worried experison on his face

"Is Hallie with you!?" Sidney asked, coming up besides Billy, pushing a bit, but Billy couldn't care less about that right now

"I'm right here! I sprained my God damm ankle!" Hallie yelled besides stu, who winced a bit

"Okay, just wait there! We'll go over to you," Billy told them, " no!Ghostface is in the building!" Hallie yelled

"Wait!there's a latter! They can crawl across," Randy said."Yeah, great idea,"

Hallie and stu looked at each other, as the latter was secured. "You go first," stu told her,and she nodded

"You better be right behind me," she told him. Before she climbed out the window and into the latter, she crawled across and stu sighed in relief

"Come on, stu," Hallie said, facing him. "Uh...I think I should tell you something....I'm afraid of heights," he said

"You're telling us this now!why didn't you us- me before?" Billy asked ,"I'm sorry. Okay, I didn't think it was important," stu said,with a small shrug

"Well, that was a very important thing to know!" Billy shouted ," Stop yelling! Yelling isn't going to help him!" Tatum snapped, pushing Billy out of the way

"Stu, listen to me , you can do this, don't look down, okay just crawl towards us," Tatum told him

"Yeah, I'm sorry for yelling, okay, just you can do this, okay?" Billy said , and stu nodded."Okay, okay," he said before climbing out of the window, and he slowly crawled towards them

"Okay, that it, you're almost there," Billy told him , "shit!" Hallie cursed

Stu didn't even know what happened next, but he was falling, but a hand grabbed his in a tight grip . He flinched as he heard the latter fall to the ground

"Fuck!" Billy was leaning out the window, holding on to stu, Derek rushed over and helped him pull stu up , Billy and stu collapsed into the floor both panting "this is why I'm afraid of height!" Stu said , but Billy tightly hugged him and stu hugged him back

"This is cute and all but what are we going to do now?" Hallie questioned the group, "I called Dewey, he's on his way, we just have to wait for him to arrive," Tatum told them

"Fuck dude, you scared the crap out of me, " Randy said, running a hand through his hair, "sorry," stu mumbled

Everyone settled down around the room, waiting for the police show up, they blocked the door and stayed cleared from the window, so they should be safe for now.

Billy hasn't let go of stu since the accidents, but stu doesn't really mind much

"You scared me," Billy whispered and stu looked up at him," I thought I lost you," he added, turning to look at stu

"I'm sorry," stu whispered, and Billy shook his head, " I shouldn't have let you out my sight, never again," Billy told him, holding him tighter

"I'm never leaving you again," stu whispered as they heard police sirens

"Oh, thank god!"
906 words!

Sorry for the late update!
Hope you enjoy

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