" we got away with murder"

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Requested by -BuckyWentPoof-

Billy loomis and Stu macher have gotten away with it. Their plan successfully worked.

Billy loomis and stu macher had gotten away with murder.
The plan almost didn't work. Sidney almost gotten away. The key word was almost.

"Fuck you!" Sidney yelled as she pushed the TV, stu's eyes widen before he rolled out of the way.

He flinched as he heard the TV crash, and he looked over at his TV before looking at Sidney, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

Stu let out a small laugh before he stood up ,"Jesus, you almost got me."

He glanced down at the TV and winced,"That would've been really bad if it fell on me,"

Sidney backed up as stu started to slowly walk towards her, stu suddenly grinned, looking behind her.

Sidney slowly turned around and saw Billy right behind her with a knife in his hand.

"You almost had us," he told her, stalking forward pointing the knife at her.

Sidneys back hit against the wall, and her eyes darted between Billy and stu, who stood in front of her.

Stu looked over at Billy ,"you alright?" Billy nodded, glancing at stu, noticing the TV on the ground

"You?"stu nodded, letting out a small chuckle,"Yeah, I had a close call with the TV,"

"It just wanted some love," Billy joked and stu let out a small laugh, "just like that umbrella,"

"Are you two fucking serious right now!" They both turn to look at Sidney who was glaring at the both of them.

"Come on, sid, lighten up a bit," stu told her , bringing a hand up to his side as it was starting to ache

"Fuck you!" Stu let out a small giggle ,"You said that twice and you played that game with Billy already remember?"

"You should hurry up and kill her...I'm feeling a bit woozy here," stu added , Billy looked at him with concern

"I thought you said you were feeling alright," Billy told him and stu nodded

"That was before, now I feel like shit," stu told him, moving away from him and going over to the destroyed couch, taking a seat

Billy looked at Sidney with a pointed glare, "stay," he ordered before walking over to stu keeping an eye on Sidney, he crouched down infront of stu.

"Hey, dipshit, you keep your eyes open, okay? We're almost finished with the plan. Just keep your eyes open," Billy told stu, who weakly nodded

Billy gave him a worried look before he stood up and walked over to Sidney, "any last words?"

Sidney glared at him, "Fuck you!" She spat out ,Billy chuckled before he impaled the knife into Sidneys stomach

She gasped, her hands going over the wound, she tried to pull the knife out but Billy grip tighten around the knife and he twisted it

"Goodbye sid," he whispered before taking the knife out and stabbing her again and again.

Sidney slumped down to the floor, leaving a small trail of blood on the wall,her head rolled to the side, her eyes wide open.

Billy heard sirens from a distance and cursed before he moved over to the kitchen, planting the evidence on Neil Prescott.

After he planted the evidence, he walked over to the living room as the sirens grew closer.

He saw stu had fallen to the floor unmoving, he groaned as fell to the floor besides stu as his body gave out.

Billy guessed it was because he was losing blood , "stu?" He called out, turning his head to face him

"Stu!" He said a little bit louder , stu let out a small whimper, and Billy sighed in relief

"You scared me for a second there," stu turned his head and looked at Billy, blood dripping out of his mouth

"I don't feel so good, Billy, " stu whimpered out , Billy reached his hand and gripped stu's bloody hand in his hand ,squeezing it tight

"Hold on, okay, hey, keep your eyes open, just for a little longer, okay, hey, hey, keep them open," Billy pleaded, watching stu as he slowly closed his eyes

"Stu!keep them open!" Billy yelled as the sirens were right outside

"Just... gonna..rest..my eyes..for a bit," Billy felt tears gathering at his eyes as he watched stu close his eyes.
Billy doesn't remember much of what happened. He woke up in the hospital, and his first thought was stu.

He groaned as he tried to sit up, pain flared through his body "Fuck," he cursed before looking up at the door as it opened

A nurse looked at him before rushing to his side ,"Where's..."He cleared his throat

"Where's stu?" He questioned, "You're friend is alive, you both were lucky , if the ambulance arrived a minute late..your friend wouldn't be alive right now." The nurse told him

"What room is he in?" The nurse gave Billy a look, "you're injured-" Billy cut off the nurse

"I don't give a fuck, I don't want him waking up alone...he hates waking up alone," Billy told her , the nurse sigh

"I'll see what I can do," the nurse soon left and Billy closed his eyes taking a deep breath before a chuckle left him.

They did it. Their plan worked.  Billy smirked to himself.

They got away with murder.
Word count - 899

Hope you enjoy

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