He's taken

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Warning- possessiveness, sexual harassment, threats, protectiveness,crossdressing , violence,coarse language

Shane Wilson was the new kid at woodsboro highscool ,he was being shown around by Randy meeks who was forced since he was walking by the principle office

Randy was telling him about everything but he stopped listening as something more like someone caught his eye

He was tall but lanky ,he had short hair but long enough to tie it up in a small bon or ponytail,he was wearing a black sleeved crop top ,showing his smooth and pale stomach,with black baggy pants with black combat boots

He was talking to two smaller blonde girl's both wearing a cheerleader outfit
"Who is that?" Shane cut off Randy's rant "huh?" Randy looked over to where Shane was looking at

He let out a small laugh "sorry dude ,those girl's are taken, girl on left had a boyfriend name steve and girl on the right has a girlfriend " randy told him

"Not the girl's,him" Shane said and randy let out a scoff shaking his head "you stand no chance with stu, don't even think about it, he has a boyfriend and trust me you do not want to be on his bad side " randy told him

"I don't see his boyfriend around, plus what will he do to me?I'm a pretty big guy ,I think I can take him" Shane said and randy let out a laugh

"In your dreams,but don't say I didn't warn you" randy said before walking towards the trio of blondes

"Sup,listen stu,the new guy is crushing on you hard and wouldn't listen to my warning, good luck,I'm gonna go find billy and tell him about all of this" randy said before walking off

"Ugh,new guy walking this way" Tatum said crossing her arm's "we got your back "Casey added

"Hi, I'm Shane Wilson " he introduced himself smiling at stu "he's not interested " Tatum said "is he mute?" Shane asked "I'm not mute" stu replied
"Then you can talk for yourself " Shane said

Tatum and Casey glared at Shane "listen you sound like a great guy but I have a boyfriend " stu said "I don't see him around plus I think you could do better" Shane said sounding very cocky and smug

Stu chuckled "as if dude, billy is perfect,no one is better then him " stu said "plus who are you to tell me I can do better?" Stu added crossing his arm's and glaring down at Shane

"Listen I know I'm new here but I can see that you and me..we could have a chance together " Shane said reaching his hand out towards stu but his hand was caught by someone else ,who's grip was strong

Shane turned to look at whoever just grabbed his hand was met with the most dangerous and scary glare he's ever seen

That glare belong to a guy with greasy messy hair who's wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket with blue jeans and black boots

"The fuck you think your doing?" His voice was deep and low and Shane would admit it kinda scared him

"Dude can't take a hint when someone says no" Tatum said walking over to a brunette girl "and he's really rude" Casey added walking over to another guy who wrapped an around her

"Who are you?" Shane asked "billy loomis, stu's boyfriend ,now who the fuck are you?" Billy asked

"Shane wilson" Shane replied "well Shane Wilson, fuck off will ya? Stu's not interested in you nor will he ever be and If you ever come near him again ,I will break your arms " billy threaten letting go of Shane's hand

Shane rubbed his hand ,man was billy really strong

"Whatever " Shane scoff before walking away ,billy tsk before turning to stu
"You alright?" Stu nodded before he giggled "what's up with your hair?" He asked before running his hands through Billy's hair fixing it

"Fucking randy, he messed up my hair after telling me about that douche,and then he ran off " billy said

"Don't we still have that superglue that we used for our history project?" Tatum questioned "yeah,think I have it in my locker" stu said

Billy smirked "can I use it?" Stu nodded "sure,but be careful not to glue yourself,it's pretty hard to un-glue yourself " stu said

"Speak from experience?" Steve questioned with a small chuckle "we glued our hand's together, wasn't a bright idea to high five each other when we have glue on our hand's " Tatum told them

"I'll be careful not glue myself to anything" billy said and stu chuckled before opening his locker and handing billy the glue

"Now,I just gotta go and find randy" billy said "he has English class " Casey said "thanks, Steve you coming?need help holding him down till the glue dries" billy said and steve nodded

"It dries really fast" Tatum said and billy nodded before giving stu a small peck on the lips "see you in class babe"

"Remember don't glue yourself!"

"I won't!"
852 word's

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