The Butterfly tattoos

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It was a normal day , it was sunny and yet breezy outside. It was a nice day, and the group was hanging outside in stu's backyard.

Sidney and Tatum were sitting on chairs with lemonade drinks in hand, chatting away while Randy, Billy ,stu, and Dewey were playing football, since it was Dewey's day off, he decided to hang out with Tatum and her friends.

So far, Billy and stu were winning by five points , dewey and Randy have only 3 points

"You two are cheating!" Randy said, panting trying to catch his breath ,Billy chuckled,"we're not cheating,"

"Yeah, Rands, we're not cheating , we're just simply good at football," stu told him, with a smile

"Did you forget that both Billy and stu are in the football team?" Tatum questioned, taking a sip of her drink

"Yeah, Billy's literally the quarterback and stu is the defense,"Sidney spoke up

"Well, this isn't a far match! " Randy protested ,"Alright, we'll switch partners, stu your with me and Randy your with billy," Dewey said

"Okay," stu excitedly said, jogging over to Dewey and standing beside him, while Randy walked over to stand next to Billy

"Why am I with the guy who Hates me?" Randy asked , gesturing to Billy, who rolled his eyes ,"Shut up,"

"Alright,let's make this an interesting game, Sidney and I are playing too,and I choose Dewey and stu's side! Sorry sid, "Tatum said, standing beside Dewey and stu

Stu gave her a smile, and she smiled back , "Alright , let's play some ball,"she said

Soon enough, all six of them found themselves competing with each other

So far, Dewey, Tatum, and stu are ahead by two points while Billy ,Sidney, and Randy are behind by two points

"Yeah!" Tatum cheered , high fiving stu who giggled

"We're losing! How are we losing!?" Randy asked, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat

"Because we suck at football?" Sidney said, with a shrug ," you two suck at football, not me," Billy told them, with a small eye roll

"How about a break? I need a break," Dewey said,with a pant before walking over and sitting in a chair , grabbing a glass of lemonade and gulping down the whole thing

Stu and Tatum walked over ,"I didn't tackle you guys so hard, did i?" Stu worriedly asked, examining his friends and boyfriend for any injuries he might have caused

"No, you didn't,we're fine,"Sidney replied ,"Yeah darling, don't worry ," Billy said

"Speak for yourselves, I think I need a massage, stu would you be so kind to give me one?" Randy asked, with a flirtatious smile, knowing he was pissing off Billy. He loves doing that

"I could do it for you, I'll break every bone in your body," Billy threatened, taking a small step towards him

"Well, I heard that you have 206 bones. You have to break his bones 206 times," Tatum said

"Okay," Billy said with a shrug , stu stepped in between Billy and Randy with a smile

"Come on, guys, it's the weekend. Can we not fight just for today? You can break all 206 of his bones tomorrow, Billy, and Randy. You can resume pissing Billy off tomorrow," stu said , in a pleading tone

"Yeah, sorry darling," Billy said, with a nod ,"Yeah, I can piss off Billy tomorrow," Randy said , and Billy gave him a sarcastic smile before giving him the middle finger

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