runs in the family - one shot

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Au- Billy and stu have little brothers, a huge age gap between them , but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be there for them when they need help.

This one shot is inspired by the book I'm currently writing. It's called ( runs in the family), and it'll be out soon. Billy and stu are dead in the book, but here they are alive and have a family together.


Billy loomis macher - 43

Stu loomis macher - 42

Samantha loomis macher- 24( Billy's biological daughter, stu's adopted daughter)

Isaac macher- 17 ( stu's little brother)

Ronnie loomis - 18( Billy's little brother)

The rest of scream 5 are the same !

Hope you enjoy

Everyone knew that Ronnie loomis was like a mini Billy loomis. Ronnie had some serious anger issues, just like Billy, but Billy had found an outlet for his anger, Ronnie has not.

So it wasn't much of a surprise when Ronnie started to beat up a student in the middle of the hallway.

The reason was currently unknown, but maybe it had something to do with his best friend/ boyfriend, Isaac Macher.

Stu's little brother is an absolute sweetheart, but everyone was mean to him because he was transgender , he was born a female but is a boy.

The only people that had accepted him were stu, Billy, Ronnie,Sam, and his friends.

Ronnie was clearly overprotective. I guess it runs in the loomis Gene's.
It was like any other day ,Isaac was at his locker , and his head was down reading his notes , trying to study for an upcoming test.

"Isabella macher, right?" Isaac glanced up seeing Bobby Coleman leaning against the closed locker next to him

"It's isaac," Isaac said, looking back down at his notebook, Bobby scoff-chuckled ,"but your birth name is Isabella, why would you change such a beautiful name to such a....plain one?" Bobby said

"Because I'm a boy, " Isaac told him, not bothering to look at him , "no, you're not. You're a girl, " Isaac looked at Bobby,

"No, I'm not. And why are you here? Don't you have a girlfriend to bother? Or maybe a friend?" Isaac said, closing his book shut and turning around and putting his book in his locker and shutting his locker closed.

"We're friends, aren't we?" Bobby said, with a small smile , "not really. "Isaac replied, grabbing his bag from the ground and slung the strap over his shoulder.

"Ronnie and I are friends, so why can't you and I be friends?" Bobby questioned, and Isaac let out a small chuckle, "I don't think Ronnie even knows who you are, I mean, you guys are in the football team together but none of you hang out, or really know each other. Just like you don't know me and I don't know you," Isaac told him, before walking past him, but Bobby grabbed his arm, stopping him from walking away.

"So, why don't you stay and we can get to know each other? Become friends? But you have to stop that nonsense that you are a boy, " Bobby told him

Isaac scoffs, "Yeah, if you can't accept me ,we can't be friends, now let me go," Isaac said

Bobby's grip tightens, and Isaac winced at the tightness , "Dude! Let me go," Isaac tried to get his wrist out of Bobby's hold, but he couldn't.

"I just want to be friends. Why can't we just be friends? Why are you being such a brat," Bobby said, pulling Isaac close, his face inches away from his

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now