Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Class A war criminal

Katras is a name that makes countless people fearful.

Katlas is a desolate star in the galaxy on the border of the empire, and it is also known as the death star.

Except for an official star path with top-secret coordinates that can be accessed, the star field around Katras is full of meteorite fragments, and the positioning of the jumping wormhole is disordered, making it impossible to locate. If you are not careful while driving a starship and a mech, you will enter the turbulent flow of space, and the machine will be destroyed and people will die.

Even if the most vicious star robbers or well-trained federal spies enter here, there is no possibility of escape.

It is rumored that this place is the purgatory of the empire, and it is often used to hold prisoners who are heinous and full of crimes.


"Master Prison, a class-A war criminal will be escorted here today, and you are ordered to pay more attention to him." The blond man in a black deacon tuxedo said respectfully as he walked into the office.

He held a wooden tray in his right hand, on which was a glass of iced whiskey with half a slice of lemon embedded in the rim of the glass.

He is the prison warden Yan Yu's secretary Austin, a common beta.

"Oh, Class-A war criminal. Wait, Class-A? My good fellow, what did he do that is unconscionable?" The languid female voice was suddenly elongated.

Wearing a nightgown, a woman with curly hair in a mess suddenly opened her sleepy eyes wide. She bounced off the sofa, straightened her back, and looked thoughtful, as if she had woken up for the first time.

Austin sighed helplessly, opened the heavy curtains, and babbled and said: "Master Prison, it's fine if you mess around when you go to work every day, it's better not to sleep in the office openly. Wait for the Bishop When the investigators came to detain the war criminals, what would they do if they saw you looking so slack and lazy?"

"Who will care about me? Everyone knows that I am that useless waste of the Yan family. I was kicked out by the head of the family and thrown to this place where no birds can lay eggs." Yan Yu snorted indifferently, and put his hands together again. Lazily half lying down with the support behind his head.

The only expensive and extravagant silk nightgown on her body was slightly opened, the blue silk was like a waterfall reaching to the waist, the chest was as white as jade, and the chest was half exposed, and the red cherry lips were full of peaches and plums, and she looked magnificent and charming. Even Austin, who was originally a beta, darkened his eyes, and turned his head quickly, not daring to look any further.

However, Yan Yu is an out-and-out alpha.

Such bright and compelling, not inferior to Omega's beauty from a famous family, he was despised by other aplhas.

And her mental strength was almost completely crippled after the accident that year, and even her childhood sweetheart fiancé came to her with red eyes and divorced. After that, Yan Yu dropped out of the military academy and completely let herself go.

Relying on her family background, she idled around all day long, arrogant and domineering, and became a well-known playboy among the top ten families in the imperial capital, and her reputation in the imperial capital was completely ruined.

The once stunning young genius has become a complete joke.

After the Yan family gave up on Yan Yu, it was inevitable that she would act recklessly as a demon, and randomly assigned her the idle position of a warden who didn't care about anything. She was kicked out of the Yan family and the Imperial Capital, and thrown into Katlas, a desolate, uninhabited place. A barren land with poor mountains and bad waters.

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