Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Darkness

Yan Yu, who was in a dilemma for a moment, scratched her head and said with a dry smile, "What a coincidence, Instructor Gu."

Gu Cichuan looked at her expressionlessly, showing no emotion, and slightly lifted his thin lips: "It's a coincidence."

Yan Yu quickly turned her head and glanced at the patrolling security AI that was getting closer behind her. With the naked eye, she saw at least twenty or thirty intelligent bionics wearing security uniforms.

The combat power of these intelligent bionics is not particularly high, but with such a large number, she is likely to be entangled and unable to escape if she is blocked, and the commotion will become louder. I am afraid that tomorrow's punishment column will have her own HD□ □Single photo was taken.

She began to think rapidly in her head whether it was more likely to escape from Gu Cichuan's side or to break out from the patrol AI behind her.

Forget it, she would rather exchange fire with 30 patrolling security guards than fight with Gu Cichuan, otherwise she might not be punished, but her arms and legs would be broken——

"What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you jump off and wait for the patrolling security AI to catch you?" Gu Cichuan, who was standing under the wall, frowned.

He naturally heard the loud sirens behind Yan Yu, and the changing red light illuminated Yan Yu's side face, she stared at him with wide eyes in surprise, looking stupid.

"Hurry up!" he urged in a low voice.

"Oh, oh." Yan Yu nodded in panic. She never thought that Gu Cichuan, who caught her straight, would let her go. She was going to turn around and climb on the wall with her hands before jumping off. Zhizhi was too flustered this time, and when he turned around, his feet slipped.

Gu Cichuan's gaze has been following her movements, seeing her staggering and falling from the wall, there is no need to think about it at all, her body has already rushed out subconsciously.

The next scene, obviously only in an instant, seemed to be as long as a lifetime, and it came rolling with scorching heat and engraved on his bones and soul.

Yan Yu's flirtatious and affectionate eyes suddenly widened, meeting Gu Cichuan's blue pupils. Her eyes were astonishingly bright, as if they were glowing, igniting the dark night. A pair of eyes are as clear as black tourmalines, starry eyes are like water and jade, and his reflection is reflected in the bottom of the eyes, as if she can only see him, and only him in her eyes.

That night, the girl's long hair was blown by the evening wind, and she fell into his arms with thousands of stars.

I don't know love and hate when I am young, and I am the most excited in my life.


"Gu, Instructor Gu, you, are you okay?" The two of them were too close together, almost rubbing each other's ears. Yan Yu completely fell into Gu Cichuan's arms, and she leaned out from Gu Cichuan's arms. One head came and asked stammeringly.

"...It's okay." He turned his head and didn't dare to look at her again, his voice was hoarse.

Yan Yu hurriedly stood up, and stretched out her hand a little embarrassedly: "Instructor Gu, shall I help you up?"

Gu Cichuan shook his head: "No need." He paused, and then said, "Go back to the dormitory before the patrolling security AI chases you in."

Yan Yu nodded quickly: "Thank you for today, Instructor Gu."

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