Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Dead

The indicator lights of the recuperation cabin flickered, and the cabin door opened with a violent vibration. She sat up in a daze, eyes full of daze.

Sleeping too long in absolute silence can sink you into a feeling of helplessness and loneliness. It's like sleeping too long in the afternoon, and you suddenly sit up and look at the neon lights that light up outside the window, only to feel that you are the only one left in the world.

She stretched out her right foot unsteadily, but tripped over the cabin door and almost fell down.

A figure rushed over quickly, hugged her firmly, and wrapped her in his arms: "Xiaoyun, what's wrong?"

She fell into this person's arms in a daze, blinked her eyes dumbly, she was a little greedy and attached to this person's warmth, and was reluctant to leave.

"Uncomfortable?" Yan Yu asked with concern, while touching her forehead with the palm of her hand to see if there was any abnormality in her body temperature.

She should have thrown off the hand of this ill-intentioned alpha immediately, but she didn't. She shared the memory with Yan Yun. For so many days, Yan Yu always avoided her and would only appear when Yan Yun was in control of this body.

She quietly watched every detail of Yan Yu's relationship with Yan Yun. She used to think that Yan Yu had other plans for Yan Yun, but after so many days, she had to admit that Yan Yu had no evil intentions for Yan Yun. In Katras, Yan Yu has absolute power, and she doesn't need to hide any of her intentions.

"Xiaoyun, why do you look weird, tell my sister if you feel uncomfortable."

She looked at Yan Yu with eyes full of concern, and called out a little jerky: "Sister... Sister..."

Yan Yu didn't realize that something was wrong, but felt that Yan Yun might not have adapted to it after staying in the convalescent cabin for too long, so she easily picked up the petite girl: "If you want to eat, my sister will take you there."

Olivia's body stiffened for a moment, she paused for a while, and slowly buried her head in Yan Yu's arms.

Just as Yan Yun described, it was the scent of mother.

"elder sister."


The red dot moved quickly on the wall, and a pair of pink flesh pads kept chasing after the red dot.

It was still a juvenile snow leopard cub, no different from a kitten.

Yan Yu put down the laser pointer, Xueqiu turned his head, whimpered twice in dissatisfaction, and jumped up and down to bite Yan Yu's trouser leg, but accidentally rolled into the mud.

Yan Yu couldn't help laughing, pinched the back of its neck with her fingers and lifted it up: "Snowball, let your dad play with you."

Gu Cichuan raised his eyes suddenly, the roots of his ears were red, and he gave Yan Yu a non-threatening look: "What nonsense are you talking about?" Yan Yu's joke made Gu Cichuan feel weird, just like Xue Ball is the same as his and Yan Yu's children.

Yan Yu waved her hands again and again. Originally, she was just joking and said, "I was wrong, Xueqiu is so white, how could it be born by Xiao Heipi."

Gu Cichuan's expression froze, and he stared blankly at Yan Yu, the faint smile on his lips disappeared, his blue eyes were full of disappointment, his thin lips were slightly lifted, as if he wanted to say something, but he hesitated .

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