Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Salutations

"Gu, Instructor Gu..." Yan Yu stepped back a few steps, scrambling and falling to the ground, calling weakly.

Gu Cichuan stared blankly at Yan Yu for a long time, then said softly: " remember it?"

Yan Yu nodded in embarrassment, the two fell into silence, and suddenly fell into an unspeakable and strange atmosphere.

"Instructor Gu, do you still remember me?" But Yan Yu couldn't help breaking the silence first: "Did you also suddenly remember it? Or did you recognize me when we first met?"

Gu Cichuan looked at her deeply with his blue eyes, without any emotion, and said calmly, "I remember."

"Always remember."

How could he forget her.

But Gu Cichuan never thought that he would meet Yan Yu again in this place, but with his desolate appearance.

After he left the Alves Sanatorium three years ago, he was determined to forget Yan Yu, a flirtatious woman.

But the more I want to forget, the more I remember.

During the day, Gu Cichuan can still numb himself with tedious affairs and entertainment, as long as he is busy enough, he will never think of Yan Yu again.

But when the night is deep and there is no one in the darkness, if he does not take sleeping pills, Gu Cichuan will always toss and turn, recalling the few memories he has with her over and over again, keeping his eyes open and insomnia until dawn, The morning light is faint.

Gu Cichuan hated such a weak self, indulged in memories but could do nothing, indulged in the gentle trap that the flirtatious woman casually set, struggled hard but could not escape. He always pretends to hate her in front of outsiders, but he can't deny that the deepest weakness in his heart will always be her.

Later, the news that Yan Yu was exiled to a remote galaxy by the Yan family vaguely came, so he sent his confidants to inquire about it, and learned the whereabouts of Yan Yu's dispatch, but the printed paper document But he locked it at the bottom of the desk drawer without looking at it.

He was afraid that if he knew where she was, he would uncontrollably have extravagant and delusional thoughts.

But no one knows that the bottom drawer of Gu Cichuan's desk is always clean without a trace of dust. He opened that drawer countless times, but bit his lip and closed it abruptly again.

Gu Cichuan originally thought that he would never see Yan Yu again in this life, but fate loves to play tricks on people's hearts the most. Three years later, she met again unexpectedly, but she asked him seriously: "Did we meet somewhere before?"

It turned out that the memories he lived on, in her eyes, she still didn't even have a name.


"Then...then you remember me, why didn't you say anything..." Yan Yu smiled awkwardly: "It turns out that we have met before, and we are still acquaintances."

No wonder she thought Gu Cichuan was very familiar the first time she saw him in the prison. Other prison guards were so afraid of him, but she felt strangely that Gu Cichuan would not hurt her subconsciously.

Gu Cichuan glanced at Yan Yu indifferently: "Since you don't even remember me, then there is nothing to say."

Yan Yu laughed awkwardly: "We haven't seen each other for five years. At that time, you were substituting for less than ten days. My impression is unfamiliar, and it's normal."

She paused for a moment, then pretended to smile relaxedly: "What's more, in the past five years, I have experienced too many changes in the middle, and I have encountered great changes. I am not very willing to recall and think about many things before. gone."

When Gu Cichuan heard Yan Yu suddenly mentioning the things that happened to her, he slightly pursed his chapped lips, turned his head away and stopped talking. Yan Yu actually forgot about him, Gu Cichuan blamed her in his heart and hated her, but seeing Yan Yu's forced smile, Gu Cichuan couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Seeing Gu Cichuan turning his head away, Yan Yu thought he was angry with her, and knew she was wrong, so she quickly stepped forward and squatted next to Gu Cichuan, and asked with a guilty face: "Instructor Gu, what are you doing?" Are you mad at me?"

Although Gu Cichuan was angry and wronged in his heart, but he had an awkward and sullen temper, and he still didn't show half of it, he just said in a cold voice: "No."

He paused, and then added another sentence, his voice was still like ice slag: "Don't call me Instructor Gu, I haven't taught you a long time ago."

"Then what should I call you?" Yan Yu hesitated with a tangled face, "After all, you have taught me, and you are an elder..."

Gu Cichuan's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at Yan Yu with displeasure: "I'm only a few years older than you, how did you become an elder?"

He couldn't help but slander, what difference could there be between ten years old and a few years old, how could he become Yan Yu's elder.

Gu Cichuan saw that Yan Yu was still not up to the mark, and stared at him in a daze. He glared at Yan Yu resentfully, and said coolly, "Didn't you just call back the little Heipi, the little Heipi? Do you have to work hard? Why do you still pretend to respect me now that you think about it?"

Yan Yu smiled embarrassingly, as if she wasn't the one who had the audacity to call Xiao Heipi to tease Gu Cichuan on purpose.

"Then..." Yan Yu frowned. Since Gu Cichuan was an old friend many years ago, and he didn't want to be called an elder, Yan Yu tentatively called out: "A Ci?"

Gu Cichuan raised his eyes suddenly, his pupils shrank, his blue eyes were full of disbelief, his lips twitched a bit, and then he asked in a harsh voice: "You, what did you call me?"

Yan Yu thought that Gu Cichuan was not happy, so she said: "I was rude, I won't do this again..."

"Call me again." Gu Cichuan interrupted her directly.

Yan Yu was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously repeated: "Aci?"

Gu Cichuan only felt that the apex of his chest was numb as if electrified, and his blue eyes suddenly shone with tiny waves, like a pool of stars swaying, shining brightly, but his cheeks flushed a little because of embarrassment, Gu Ci Chuan lowered his head uncomfortably, his Adam's apple rolling, and called out in a low voice, "...Ayu."

Yan Yu slowly covered her face.

She must be crazy to have an illusion.

In front of everyone, Gu Cichuan was fearful and avoided. Yan Yu always felt that he was difficult to get close to and difficult to get along with. Now she actually thinks that he is like a big black dog... He looks fierce and cold on the outside, indifferent and indifferent. In fact, he is easier to talk than anyone else, and he is also more likely to be shy than anyone else.

Hiss, she suddenly misses the big black dog in front of Rua...

Yan Yu suddenly said righteously: "A Ci, I haven't finished applying the medicine just now, I'll continue applying it for you, don't move around."

She definitely wasn't trying to get rich, absolutely not.

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