Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 Turbulence

The starship's radar has detected the silver-winged mecha approaching at a very high speed. The moment the streamer landed, the starship's intelligent protection system was activated, and the transparent energy shield was opened to cover the entire starship.

In the control room of the starship center stood a tall male Alpha named Arman, with his hands behind his back and a gloomy expression.

The sudden Zerg attack and Gu Cichuan's prison escape made the 4s sent by the top ten families feel at a loss for a while.

Except for the three 4s who were lost in the bug swarm and temporarily lost contact, the remaining six 4s gathered here.

If Gu Cichuan could not be captured, what awaited them would definitely be severe punishment from the clan and their own reputation ruined. The shame of a lifetime would be engraved in their files forever, and will be left in the family tree for thousands of years.

Their expressions were tense, and they subconsciously watched Arman listen to his instructions, forming a faint posture of following Arman's lead.

Yarman is the most powerful of the top ten families, the Prescott family who dominates.

"This is from Yan Shi? She's crazy, why did she collude with people from the Federation to help Gu Cichuan escape from prison?" Alman stood in front of the console with his hands behind his back, cursing furiously, his eyes seemed to be Smoke is generally full of resentment.

A 4S next to Yarman quickly flattered and laughed, "It's ridiculous to hit a rock with an egg."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a deafening roar, which made everyone present change their faces.

The protective cover of this military starship, which could withstand the full force of a small Zerg attack, was actually shattered.

The upper limit of the mecha energy cannon depends on the performance of the mecha itself and the mental strength of the operator.

Although the non-4s that is attacking the starship cannot be activated at all, it is a top-level mecha for space warfare, but the mecha is only a single combat weapon after all. Trying to use the mecha to stop a starship is tantamount to using the arm of a mantis as a car. shake the tree.

But Yan Yu really did it.

Everyone stared dumbfounded as the fluorescent protective cover was covered with cracks like a spider web and shattered with a roar.

Immediately, the starship shook violently. Some people were not aware of it for a while, shaking their bodies and almost staggered and fell, and even more people had already staggered and fell into a ball.

"Damn, this lunatic!" Alman immediately understood this desperate way of fighting, and Yan Yu actually directly used her purest source of spiritual power to replace the energy stone for the fuel of the mech's energy cannon!

Nobody wants to do that.

Mental power should be inexhaustible. Even if the mental power is consumed too much in fierce battles, causing the mental power to be temporarily exhausted, it can be restored to a good state after a period of recuperation.

But although Yan Yu's approach is powerful, it is a waste of money.

The mental power used as fuel can no longer be recovered, and her mental power level will soon drop rapidly, and she will even directly cause her own spiritual power to disappear completely, turning into a disabled person without mental power.

"Now we have to divide into two batches of action. The three of you quickly go out to stop her with manned mechs and small fighter jets, and I will lead people to continue chasing the federation starship. The federation's small reconnaissance starship has very low power. As long as we continue to be delayed without hindrance, we will be able to successfully chase them down and capture Gu Cichuan within a few hours." Yarman pointed at the three of them with his finger and said decisively.

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