Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 summit meeting

Huan Yue walked into the meeting hall stepping on the height of the sky, her skirt swaying to the ground.

This is a majestic huge building with ancient earth European style, a bit similar to the temple in Greek mythology, with hundreds of huge stone pillars rising from the sky, as if to break through the clouds.

The summit meeting of the top ten families will be held here soon.

Generally, if there are any important matters in the empire that need to be discussed by the top ten families, they will only hold a virtual projection meeting on Skynet.

And for this summit meeting, the most honorable heads of the top ten families will come here in person, and none of them will be absent. Such a grand occasion has not appeared in decades.

This also shows the seriousness of this matter, and even the fate of the entire empire is very important.

Yan Wenyan had already taken his seat. Obviously before, he always had an expression of contempt for all sentient beings, but now he seemed to be very nervous, his cheeks were bitten hard, and the flesh on his cheeks trembled slightly. He glanced at it from time to time. The expressions of the people around were clasped together tremblingly.

When Huan Yue arrived, it was already the second-to-last, and only the Rodriguez family hadn't arrived yet.

Huan Yue smiled lightly and covered her vermilion lips with her hands: "Sorry, I'm late, after all, I couldn't help but verify it myself, so I finally believed it."

Yan Wenyan raised his eyes suddenly, staring at Huan Yue, his pupils shot a strange light: "So... is it true?"

Huan Yue's thick red lips curled up, and she nodded slightly. Obviously, she was only such a tiny curve, but it changed the expressions of everyone present.

Yan Wenyan's lips twitched a bit, as if he wanted to laugh, his mouth was puckered, but because he was too emotional, he made a smiley and crying expression.

It never occurred to Yan Wenyan that the waste that he dismissed back then and regarded as garbage would one day become the glory of their Yan family. Such an heir would definitely make their Yan family rise and revitalize in the future, and become the leader of the top ten families from then on.

No, maybe there is no need for the top ten families at all... one is enough.

"Yan Wenyan, what are you so proud of?" Jeff, the head of the Prescott family, immediately darkened his face, and asked in a cold voice: "Yan Yu and the people from the Federation joined forces to rescue Gu Cichuan. She committed the felony of treason. She also killed a 4s, seriously injured two 4s, and even caused three 4s and members of the top ten families to fall into the turbulent flow of the space crack. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was to die, or even hacked into pieces.”

Yan Wenyan stood up emotionally, his face flushed and angrily scolded: "Jeff, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, isn't it just jealous that my Yan family has a 5S? Your Prescott family You have always regarded yourself as the head of the top ten families, but now that you know that my Xiaoyu is 5s, you are afraid that it will affect the status of your Prescott family, so you can't wait to find an excuse to deal with my Xiaoyu immediately."

The patriarchs of the other clans, who were not well informed, looked at each other in dismay, their eyes widened in disbelief, and they froze in place.


How could there be a 5s-level mental power? 5s is just a hypothetical value of the human body's limit ceiling mental power measured by the imperial scientific research institute, which has never appeared before, and 4s is already the highest combat power of all alpha's today.

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