Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Protection Law

A burst of regular and extremely piercing sounds came from a smooth oval-shaped machine suspended in mid-air.

The fine and slender black eyelashes trembled, a pair of black and round almond eyes like a deer slowly opened, and he yawned sleepily.

After the smart alarm clock detected that the owner was awake, it was automatically turned off soon, and then the heavy curtains were automatically opened.

The dazzling morning light casts in through the cracks of the crowded tree branches outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting mottled light and shadow all over the place.

Yan Lang closed his eyes lazily, as if he was about to fall asleep again, when suddenly he got up from the bed with a jerk.

If he doesn't get up again, he will be late for the flower arrangement art class this morning.

Although he is an omega and does not have the qualifications to go to a military academy or other ordinary public schools, as a direct descendant of the Yan family, his private lessons are also very heavy, cooking, piano, ballet, ancient earth classics literature appreciation...every day is full. Arrangements, almost leaving him no time to breathe.

But this is the necessary quality that omega of a rich family needs from an early age, isn't it? Otherwise, how can you be worthy of a good partner in the future?

When he changed out of his pajamas, revealing the green and fair skin unique to teenagers, he was not in a hurry to change into the clothes he went out with.

As an omega who is about to grow up, he may usher in estrus at any time, so whenever he goes out, he must wear a pheromone isolation suit on the innermost part to prevent the pheromone spillover from causing unnecessary trouble to the alphas .

The pheromone isolation suit is a black gel coat made of polymer gel material, which is very close to the skin, almost making people slightly breathless.

But Yan Lang has long been used to it over the past few years. As long as he doesn't leave the Imperial City, travel is quite simple, there are not so many rules and regulations.

But Yan Lang didn't complain. It should be said that the vast majority of the omega in the empire would not have any special ideas, after all, they have lived in such a big environment since they were young.

As weak creatures that only have reproductive functions in the "Imperial Omega Protection Law", they can only attach all their thoughts of life to their future partners like a silk flower.

For them, the greatest honor in life is to marry an excellent alpha, and then give birth to several children with high genetic potential.


Article 321 of the Imperial Law: omga has no right to become an official or join the army. Once discovered, the relevant personnel will be dealt with severely.

Article 27 of the "Imperial Code": After Omega becomes an adult, if he has no spouse within ten years, he will be forced to be paired by the gene bank department.

Article 178 of the "Imperial omega Protection Law": When omega go out and leave the planet they live in, they must wear pheromone isolation suits and wear tracking anklets, and at the same time obtain the permission of the guardian (caregiver/spouse) and the documents of relevant departments .

"Imperial Omega Protection Law": It is the duty of all citizens to protect the precious blood of omega.


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