Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 Twins, Can I Touch Your Belly?

  Gu Cichuan froze in place motionless, his pair of blue eyes didn't even dare to blink, like a frozen stone statue.

  He suspected that he had misheard what Yan Yu said just now, or it was a hallucination.

  "I've already called a trusted private doctor to come over. I happen to have a property under my name very close to here. Let's go to my place and rest for a while." In case Gu Cichuan refused as before, Yan Yu pulled Gu Cichuan away forcefully. Ci Chuan's hand looked unbearable.

  At this time, Gu Cichuan responded in a low voice as if he had suddenly woken up from a dream.

  To Yan Yu's surprise, Gu Cichuan not only did not have the aggressive and sharp look just now, but now he is extremely obedient, held by Yan Yu's hand, followed her obediently with his eyes downcast.

  Yan Yu vaguely felt that it was the reason for what she said just now.
  ... Is Gu Cichuan so easy to coax?
  The other courtyard that Yan Yu mentioned was indeed very close, less than 20 minutes' drive away. Almost as soon as he stepped into the gate, a group of white shadows rushed towards him.

  Yan Yu opened her hand subconsciously, but to her embarrassment and surprise, Xueqiu jumped over her and rushed towards Gu Cichuan.

  The moment Gu Cichuan noticed that an unknown creature was approaching, his instinct to protect children subconsciously released his mental pressure, and his right hand was also ready to take out the gy high- particle wooden box from the storage button.

  It's just that Gu Cichuan had already seen the appearance of the creature in front of him when his right hand just touched the icy touch of the high-energy particle wooden warehouse.

  And Xueqiu also seemed to sense that Gu Cichuan was not what he used to be, so he stopped in his tracks.

Austin, who was unresponsive, just let out a scream, but saw the huge silver-white leopard star beast carefully sniffing in front of Gu Cichuan's belly, its thick tail wagging happily, and its big furry head kept rubbing against Gu Cichuan. Ci Chuan's palms seemed to be acting like a baby.

  "...Snowball? Have you grown so big?" Gu Cichuan hesitated for a moment, and Austin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was the star beast that Yan Yu had contracted with before.

  "Snowball seems to like you very much." Yan Yu stroked her chin and thoughtfully said.

  Gu Cichuan had already told Yan Yu their past without reservation, so it was normal for Xueqiu to know Gu Cichuan.

  But the evidence and witnesses on Yan Wenyan's side made Yan Yu vacillating, so she didn't dare to fully trust any party.

  But Yan Yu has always thought that Xueqiu is a very smart and spirited star beast. It likes Gu Cichuan so much. Gu Cichuan will be the federation that Yan Wenyan and the others say not only use her to get news, but even revenge, trying to kill her. Spies?

  Looking at the familiar Xueqiu, Gu Cichuan felt sore in his heart. This is the star beast that he and Ayu raised together. Xueqiu still remembers himself, but Ayu doesn't remember anything.

  Yan Yu led Gu Cichuan and Austin into the living room on the first floor, while looking at

  Guangnao: "The private doctor will arrive in a while, can you hold on?" Gu Cichuan pursed his lips, I shook my head tiredly, but my complexion is much better than before: "I will be much better. I have seen this symptom many times. The doctor said it is normal morning sickness. I have been taking the nutrient solution for this period of time. I can’t vomit anything.”

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