Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 wake up

Almost as soon as the white coat finished speaking, Achilles rushed into Yan Yu's ward impatiently.

This is the luxurious ward of the Central Hospital of the Capital District of the Imperial City Star, and all the facilities are extravagant and luxurious.

Yan Yu was sitting on the bed wearing a plain striped hospital gown, her hair was like a waterfall of blue hair, untied and draped behind her back, the tips of her hair were curled with lazy arcs, like luxuriant vines clinging to a rock wall. The warm afternoon sun shone on her side face through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and her slender eyelashes trembled, casting a faint silhouette.

After she heard the voice behind her, she turned her head subconsciously and looked at Achilles silently.

Achilles stared blankly at Yan Yu's clear and calm eyes like obsidian, but he was as timid as he was close to his hometown. He didn't know what to say, forced a smile out of his restrained movements, and walked up to Yan Yu carefully. In front of Yu: "Ah Yu, is there anything else that makes you uncomfortable?"

Yan Yu was startled when she heard the words, she frowned, looked at Achilles seriously, and shook her head weakly.

"Ayu, would you like something to eat?"

"Who are you?"

The two spoke at the same time.

Achilles froze, and raised his eyes in disbelief: "Ayu, what did you just say?"

And at this moment, the Huan siblings, who were left behind by the impetuous Achilles, came late. As soon as they entered, they saw Yan Yu staring at Achilles seriously, with a confused tone: " Who are you?...and who am I?"

Achilles felt that his throat was blocked by a piece of flint, and his throat was burning so that his throat hurt. He opened his lips weakly, his legs softened, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

Ayu lost his memory? Don't remember him anymore?

Huan Yue and Huan Zhou looked at each other in dismay, they saw that Yan Yu's appearance didn't seem to be half fake, Huan Zhou panicked and whispered: "How could this be?"

Huan Yue shrugged helplessly and said, "How do I know, it depends on what the doctor said."

The leader's expression changed when he saw this, and immediately activated the communicator, and a long line of doctors rushed in behind him.

And they were invited out of the ward again, and Yan Wenyan and Ning Yulong, who got the news at the same time, rushed over quickly.

This waited from dawn at noon to dusk and night, until the leading doctor left the ward again, and everyone gathered around him.

The doctor shook his head helplessly: "We used a lot of exquisite instruments to examine Ms. Yan's body. She is out of danger now, and she will recover soon after taking good care of her injuries. The inability to do anything, according to our speculation, is likely to be related to the sudden 5s of her mental power, but Miss Yan’s mental power has broken through the 5s level as the first human being, and we have no precedent to follow, let alone how to treat it.”

"She may recover her memory in the next second, or she may never recover again."

Everyone was silent for a while, and Huan Yue pondered: "After all, no one could survive the turbulent flow of space cracks before. Yan Yu is the only one we know, and now she is also the first person to break through the 5s mental power , What is the connection between the two, we have no way of knowing now, amnesia is related to breaking through 5s, and we have no experience in this regard at all.”

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