Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 coffee

In the one-hundred-story glass covered bridge, Yan Yu lightly took a sip of hot coffee, and the mellow and bitter taste filled her throat.

She subconsciously picked up the milk balls and sugar beside the table, paused for a while, but then slowly put them down.

The night was dark, and the night wind was blowing coolly. The Bruno star in the Cole galaxy was the most prosperous and luxurious among them. Although it could not compare with the imperial star, it was also much better than the desolation of Katras. She leaned over and looked, downstairs was the brilliant neon lights, the hovering car flew into the sky, and the taillights drew thousands of bright and colorful traces on the dark night.

The three spiritual signs following her like shadows have been following her for almost three days.

She closed the windbreaker on her body and smiled wryly.

The people Yan Hu sent were really cautious. Even though she was just a waste of mental power, she didn't do it lightly. Instead, she was always waiting for a good location and a good time with sparse monitoring equipment.

Others have come all the way from Imperial Capital, so she must also have the heart of adult beauty, doesn't she?

Yan Yu left the coffee, which was less than half drunk, and walked out of the sky garden restaurant leisurely.

The waiter in uniform came to the table and sighed with a complicated expression: "The rich are really a waste."

The nutrient solution used as the basic life support of interstellar people is relatively cheap, and the cheapest even only costs a few stars. However, these handmade foods are made of materials that require the soil of a special planet to grow. Due to the transportation cost and production process, the price Often very expensive.

For example, the cup of handmade freshly ground coffee in front of him is half a month's salary, but these rich people can just drink two sips to taste the taste and throw it away.

Although he sighed in his heart, he still had to finish his job first, cleaning up the table and the remaining coffee.

The waiter was about to reach out to take away the coffee cup on the glass table, but was stopped by a big bony hand.

The waiter raised his head subconsciously, and met a pair of dark green eyes, which seemed to be dyed with the vast oily green field, with boundless clarity and eternal green.

The man was tall and tall, half a head taller than the beta waiter. He had blond hair and blue eyes, handsome facial features, and a typical appearance of a pure-blooded Western race on the ancient earth. He was wearing a complete black suit. Followed closely by two people who looked like subordinates.

"Sir, what, what's the matter?" The man had an extraordinary bearing, even if he didn't say a word, there was a feeling of alpha coercion that belonged to the superior, the waiter subconsciously asked a little stuttering.

"Go ahead, don't worry about this."

The waiter turned around and left, walked to the next table, but couldn't help turning his head to look at the man again, the waiter's body froze suddenly.

The waiter saw the man in front of him sitting at the glass table, as if he was sipping tea, he was constantly stroking the coffee cup with his fingertips, and then he picked up the remaining cup of cold coffee slowly Drink it, with an expression of fascination that is almost pious.

...Why does this man look like a human being, but he secretly drank other people's leftover coffee? No matter how expensive the coffee is, it's too shabby.

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