Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Ask yourself

"Get out of the way." Yan Yu looked at Shao Guan coldly: "I just took Gu Cichuan to the infirmary to put his arm on."

Looking at Yan Yu, Shao Guan felt a burning pain from the bruises under his eyes: "Infirmary? Gu Cichuan is the highest level of dangerous war criminals, and he must not leave here for half a step. Now you take off the restraints on him, Once the high-energy barrier is opened, if he tries to escape from the prison or hurt staff such as prison guards, are you responsible?"

"As long as you don't get itchy, how can he hurt people?" Yan Yu said angrily, looking at Shao Guan's domineering face, the knuckles of the hand pushing the wheelchair turned white due to too much force.

Gu Cichuan is now wearing only the collar around his neck that seals his spiritual power, and Yan Yu has thrown away the other restraints on his own initiative.

Although Shao Guan was not forgiving, he stood far away from Gu Cichuan, for fear that Gu Cichuan would go crazy and make another hole in his neck.

Just as Gu Ci was about to speak, his shoulders were held back by Yan Yu who stepped in front of him in two steps.

He raised his eyes to look at the woman's profile, and silently stared at Yan Yu's hand on his shoulder.

Yan Yu stood in front of her. In fact, she didn't need to do anything. Just standing like this could already shield him from all the storms and waves in the world.

Is this the feeling of being cherished and cherished?

The warm feeling in her palm came from the surface of the rough prison uniform fabric, Gu Cichuan's blue eyes flashed, and the back of the ear was slightly red.

Shao Guan growled angrily: "Gu Cichuan is just a spy of the alliance who deserves to die and deserves to die. I think I can do anything to him. This is a signal from the superior. On the contrary, you should not care about it. Regardless, are you clearly going against Admiral Yin and the other admirals?"

"I am the warden of Katras, and I have the authority to rule over every prisoner. The "Empire Law" also stipulates that even war criminals have the right to be healed, let alone the prisoner who has been abused by you. You want to put this I'm not afraid of this matter getting bigger." Yan Yu retorted stiffly.

Seeing that Shao Guan was about to refute, Yan Yu blocked his mouth with just one sentence: "I know that you dare to lynch Gu Cichuan not only to vent your personal anger, but also as a signal from your superiors, but the news is true. It caused trouble and damaged his reputation, and you are the scapegoat who was pushed out."

Shao Guan watched Yan Yu push the wheelchair out with a gloomy face, and he didn't know how long he stood there before he slowly started to catch up.

Gu Cichuan just went to Katras' infirmary, and he also had to stay there to prevent Gu Cichuan from doing anything wrong.

As for the dead woman Yan Yu, anyway, Admiral Yin said that there are people in their Yan family who want to get rid of this undead waste, so let her be arrogant for a few days.


The wheelchair passed along the promenade, and the wheels made a dull and monotonous sound of rubbing the ground.

"...don't start conflicts with Shaoguan again because of me," Gu Cichuan sighed, "I'm already like this, what difference does it make if I'm cured or not? I can't get out."

"Don't be so pessimistic, everything will be fine." Seeing the lines left by Gu Cichuan's frown, Yan Yu felt an unspeakable sourness in her heart. She wanted to comfort him, but all the comfort she could say was in vain. Too pale.

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