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Chapter 89 Parallel World: Contract Lover 4

After moving to Gu Cichuan's house and spending a few days with Gu Cichuan, Yan Yu found that he was actually a very talkative person.

Because Gu Cichuan's appearance is stern, and he always looks expressionless, even if he didn't say anything, there is always a faint line between his brows left by frowning for many years, adding to his A bit ruthless and vicious, Yan Yu couldn't help but feel that he was a very serious and serious person before.

But gradually Yan Yu discovered that Gu Cichuan seemed to have a scary face, but in fact he had a better temper than anyone else.

"After dinner today, let me go out for a walk with you." After eating dinner with Yan Yu, Gu Cichuan was thinking about when he would be free to learn how to cook for Yan Yu himself, but he suddenly remembered Yan Yu has always locked herself in the room these days, and couldn't help but suggest.

Yan Yu shook her head: "I don't want to go out."

Her eyes were black and blue, as if she hadn't slept well for a while, she was haggard and haggard, her bright and beautiful face was like a flower that was sunburned to death under the scorching sun. , a flowering branch that is about to wither.

Gu Cichuan couldn't help frowning his eyebrows, but his eyes were full of worry and concern: "How can you be bored in the room all day, you have to go out for a walk."

Yan Yu lowered her eyes sleepily: "Thank you for caring about me, but I don't want to go out during this time."

However, Yan Yu refused several times, but Gu Cichuan still insisted: "I know you are in a bad mood, but you can't always lock yourself up, go out with me today to relax, and tomorrow I will accompany you to the hospital for treatment. "

Yan Yu was seriously injured and hadn't recovered from the accident. In addition, she hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days since the accident. She was already physically uncomfortable. She declined many times but was forced by Gu Cichuan to do something she didn't want to do, so she endured it. I couldn't help becoming a little irritable: "I said I don't want to go out! It's useless to go to the hospital, my sea of ​​consciousness has been crippled, and it can't be cured!"

She yelled out a bit of venting anger, and both of them froze.

"...Sorry." The air was quiet for a while, Yan Yu lowered her eyes and apologized softly.

The disheveled forehead slightly covered her eyes, making it impossible to see her expression clearly.

Gu Cichuan was already kind to her, and she even lost her temper at him, but she really didn't mean it. These days, she has been suffering and exhausted both mentally and physically. She has been bored for too long, and she is about to be driven crazy up.

"You don't have to apologize, it's my fault."

Yan Yu looked up in astonishment, but Gu Cichuan looked serious: "I shouldn't force you."

"I know you are sad, but you really can't go on like this. Don't you want to be so decadent forever? Don't you want to avenge your dead sister, and your adoptive father is also sick, and you will need to take care of him in the future," Gu Cichuan patiently advised: "Although the possibility of recovering mental power is very low, if you refuse to try treatment, then there is really no possibility of recovery at all."

Yan Yu was silent for a while, embarrassed to refuse Gu Cichuan's kindness, and compromised: "Then go and try."

Gu Cichuan nodded, the corners of his lips curled into a slight arc but it was fleeting, as if it was Yan Yu's illusion.

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