Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 chooses to gamble with my life

The chrysalis-like thick cocoon of white silk rolled down in front of Yan Yu, and seemed to be still trembling slightly, and a vague human figure could barely be seen through the thick silk cocoon.

  Claire Latin found that the little Morpho in front of him was still stunned, and he, who had always been kind to his people, said softly: "Eat quickly, this is very nutritious."

  His fingertips gracefully cut the white silk thick cocoon, revealing the white The truth in the thick silk cocoon was actually a human being with his eyes closed and his chest

  heaving slightly, and then Claire Latin chuckled in satisfaction: "It's still alive." These huge white silk thick cocoons are the humans in the occupied areas captured by the Zerg. They are stored in the silk pupae as food by the Zerg, and then eaten alive by the high-level Zerg as snacks.

  He stretched out the long armor at the fingertips that was sharper than the blade, and prepared to slash towards the throat of the dying human being with an understatement. However, the moment the blood oozes out, Claire Latin's vertical pupils shrank.

  The huge butterfly wings on the back of Claire Latin opened suddenly, avoiding Yan Yu's attack with an inconceivably sensitive posture.

  His severed strand of blond hair hadn't fallen in mid-air when piercing sirens sounded overwhelmingly in the huge cavern. Countless low-level Zerg swarmed over like a tide, wriggling into a dark cloud, very creepy.

  Yan Yu fed a healing liquid to the dying humans on the ground, but watched more and more Zergs flock here with a calm and flat face. Although the strength of the Zerg king is far superior to that of humans at the same level, under the absolute suppression and balance of her spiritual power, as long as she does not confront the three kings at the same time, her life will not be in danger.

  And now the traces of other kings are appearing one after another in the main battlefield thousands of miles away, and they can't come back in a short time.

  "...Human?" Quite different from the compassionate and gentle look just now, Claire Latin's golden vertical pupils were suddenly filled with coldness.

  Claire Latin was subconsciously about to launch her best phantom attack, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. All the mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness was like a sponge that had been squeezed dry, and even the slightest thread of mental power was swallowed by the human woman in front of her. Drain and crush.

  It's over, this shows that the spiritual power of the human woman in front of me is much higher than his. He is no match at all, and the ability he is most proud of has become a fatal shortcoming.

  However, Claire Latin quickly restrained the violent ups and downs of emotions, pretending to be panic-stricken, and continued to launch attacks like a trapped beast, trying to irritate the woman in front of her, while flapping her wings and flying away, trying to lure her from the current cave. open.

  Yan Yu calmly squinted her eyes and looked at Claire Latin's abnormal movements, and a gleam of light flashed quickly in her eyes.

  "Is your worm queen here too?" Yan Yu suddenly asked with a half-smile, and she saw Claire Latin's expression crack for a moment.

  Ever since thousands of years ago, the former insect queen was assassinated by sinister and cunning humans in her fragile infancy, this time their seven kings cared for and cared for Her Majesty the insect queen to the extreme, and sent heavy soldiers to guard them all the time. There are two or three kings who have been watching her nearby.

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