Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 Water fluid broke.

"Sorry, I don't want to wrong Ah Ci."

  Ning Jin looked at Yan Yu in a daze, as if the person in front of him who he knew so well had become unfamiliar overnight.

  The woman in front of him, whom he has loved deeply for more than twenty years, is familiar with every mole and scar on her body, and all her usual habits and preferences are better than he himself knows.

  Not only are they young and affectionate, but their genetic matching rate of 97% also shows that they are the most suitable partners in the world.

  They are childhood sweethearts in everyone's mouth, a match made in heaven.

  Ning Jin knew that Yan Yu had panicked and feared after being together with Gu Cichuan, but deep down in his heart he always felt that Yan Yu was just angry with him because of his resignation.

  As long as he admits his mistakes and repents, and Yan Yu dotes on him the most, she will definitely not want him to be sad.

  He had doubted many things, but he never doubted that Yan Yu would never love him again.

  But now the woman is holding Gu Cichuan tightly, her eyes are only calm and calm, and there is no longer the half-hot affection and gentle pampering in the past.

  Ning Jin knew that he was sorry for Yan Yu, but he really didn't want to let go. He was even so humble that he was willing to give up his self-esteem to beg Yan Yu to take him as a concubine, as long as he could stay by her side.

  But Yan Yu's first reaction was not that he would be wronged, but that Gu Cichuan would be wronged...?

  Ning Jin half-kneeled on the ground weakly, Yan Yu didn't help him or showed a distressed expression, but just supported the swollen belly of the man next to him with concern, as if Gu Cichuan was her whole world.

  Ning Jin's dream of self-deception for a long time was finally shattered. The woman who was once full of herself was not even willing to give even half a cent out of the corner of her eye.

  Ayu really doesn't want him anymore.


  A finger pointed at the fluorescent planets in the light screen, and the beads the size of glass balls trembled: "Now the Dart planet in the Harper Galaxy has been breached by the Beetle Zerg, and even three inhabited planets are also destroyed." It has already fallen, and it is said that it has been surrounded by the Dead Leaf Mantis tribe." Several adjutants in military uniforms were sternly pointing out the current battle situation.

  Achilles sighed, and said in a low voice: "The battle situation on Huanyue's side is not very good either. There are too many ants on the Wovington planet, and their strength is very strong. Most of the people in her hands have been cut off. I've already told her to retreat."

  Yan Yu stared at the miniature universe in the simulated star map in a daze, the stars were shining brightly, but there were endless dangers hidden.

  "It's okay." Yan Yu said calmly: "At least yesterday, I got the news I've been waiting for for a long time. There is a trace of a king on the planet Tennyson. With multiple blurred images, it can be roughly judged that it is Claire Latin of the Butterfly Clan."

  "Planet Tennyson?!" This was not good news for Achilles, he cried out: "That is the rear of the Zerg, which is the hinterland of the Zerg territory. If you go there, you will go deep alone..."

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