Chapter 79

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Chapter 79 How can you be willing to leave after giving birth

The mecha quickly passed a pile of suspended meteorites, and the arc-shaped glass window was covered with brilliant cosmic nebulae.

  Ning Jin curled up in the corner of the cab, her long hair was scattered, her eyes stared blankly at the void, empty and desperate, like a broken rag doll.

  Yan Yu glanced at the distraught Ning Jin lightly, but felt that she had already said that and there was nothing more to say. Ning Jin could only figure it out by herself, and then walked out.   Suddenly Yan Yu's optical brain

  rang, displaying the name of Achilles, Yan Yu clicked on the connection: "I found Ning Jin, and I am already rushing back, what happened?"

Achilles' voice was dry: "Ayu, Gu Cichuan is going to give birth suddenly this morning, and he entered the delivery room an hour ago."

  "What? How could it be more than ten days earlier than the due date?" Yan Yu was agitated, The voice suddenly raised a lot, and she asked quickly: "I'll be back soon, is he doing well?"

  Achilles on the other end of the light brain fell silent, and Yan Yu felt that his heart was about to be squeezed from his throat. Li jumped out directly: "Achilles, something happened to him?"

  Achilles whispered: "The people from the Federation told him about your coming to rescue Ning Jin, I don't know if it is Because of this reason, he lost control of his emotions. During the operation, he had a sudden hemorrhage, and now he is being rescued..."


  Austin squatted outside the delivery room, watching several nurses He trotted out with a serious face, holding the bloody medical gauze in his hand, his heart sank.

  There was a sound of hurried footsteps, Austin turned his head quickly, and greeted him in great surprise, almost crying: "My lord, you are finally back."

  "How is Ah Ci?" Yan Yu held Austin's hand tightly. Asked anxiously on the shoulder, the fingertips holding Austin trembled slightly, and the knuckles turned white.

  Austin was crying: "Your Highness's genital cavity has been injured. If the caesarean section is likely to cause life-threatening complications, it is a natural delivery, but he lost control of his emotions just now, and he suffered a sudden hemorrhage during the operation. Although he has been rescued and survived One child came out, but the other one was still stuck inside."

  "Let me in, I want to see him." Yan Yu said in a deep voice.

  Austin, on the other hand, looked hesitant, and said slowly: "My lord, Your Highness told me before giving birth that I must stop you and not let you in."

  Yan Yu's face changed: "Is he angry? I I really have nothing with Ning Jin. After all, we have known each other for more than 20 years. I just don’t want to do nothing knowing that he will die on the battlefield soon..."

  Austin shook his head: "Your Highness is a little sad, but But he said that as long as you don't tell him yourself, he won't believe a word of others." He paused and asked, "Do you want to take a look at the child who has already been born?"

  "Then why not let me I'll go in, why don't you let me see him?" Yan Yu didn't care about the child at all, but roared emotionally: "I want to see with my own eyes if he is still alive!

  " Your Highness’s concerns?” Austin smiled wryly: “Did you

I have never heard of some cases. Alpha broke into Omega’s delivery room regardless of dissuasion and insisted on accompanying the delivery, but the bloody scene of giving birth during the accompanying delivery left a lifelong shadow. Later, he refused to touch Omega again, and eventually divorced fate.

  Yan Yu stared at Austin in disbelief: "In your hearts, I am the same as that beast? " My partner risked his life to conceive a child for me, but I still hate him because of this bloody picture? "

  "But it is true in real life, real cases that have happened many times. "

  Yan Yu wanted to retort with an angry face, but was interrupted by Austin: "My lord, of course I know that you are not such a person, but can't you put yourself in the shoes of His Highness and think about it?" "

  Your Highness is such an arrogant and strong person, how could he be willing to let his lover see his most filthy, most embarrassing and ugly side?"

  Austin's voice slowed down a little: "Did you forget how desperate His Highness was when you were in Katras? " It wasn't because of the pain of his body being tortured, but because his self-esteem was completely destroyed. "

  Yan Yu originally wanted to say that she didn't mind, but she was silent for a while, and finally stopped insisting on entering the delivery room: "Let me talk to him, is that okay?"

  Austin nodded, and quickly put on the sterile gown After thorough disinfection, I entered the delivery room.

  The communicator rang, but there was only the sound of heavy breathing on the other end, and the male voice was low: "Hello, Ayu? "

  " Ah Ci. "Yan Yu felt her eye sockets swollen and sore, she said in a low voice: "Are you okay? "

  ...I'm fine, you don't have to worry too much." "Gu Cichuan's hoarse and weak voice came over.

  Yan Yu had never heard such a weak voice from Gu Cichuan, as if he was just holding on to his breath, and it was only a short distance away from her completely losing him. But

  the nature must be strong Even though Gu Cichuan was so weak, he still told Yan Yu not to worry about him.

  Yan Yu suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "You promise me to survive, or I will go with you. "

  "Ayu, don't talk nonsense, and don't be so self-willed..." Gu Cichuan's voice became lower and lower: "Even if I'm gone, you have to live well, otherwise what will our children do?"

  "I don't want anything My child! I only want you!" Yan Yu's emotions were completely out of control, and she shouted excitedly: "Gu Cichuan, I only want you for the rest of my life!"

  "Ah Yu..." Gu Cichuan's voice carried A little choked up: "With your words, I feel that my life is already very good and long, and I have no regrets about anything."

  "Gu Cichuan..." Yan Yu wanted to say something in astonishment. But that part became only a busy tone, as if someone forcibly hung up.

  Yan Yu looked at the delivery room at the end of the long corridor with eyes filled with fear, and ran to the closed floating door of the delivery room desperately. The surging mental power poured out, causing the extremely strong palladium micro-alloy glass floating door to shatter into countless pieces. piece.

  Behind the door, a doctor holding a swaddling baby stared blankly at Yan Yu, as if she had been frightened into a fool.

  Yan Yu didn't have the heart to look at the child at all, just ignored the countless doctors, and ran to the delivery bed at the back of the partition screen, shouting hoarsely: "A Ci, you are not allowed to die! Gu Cichuan!"

  She has not yet The words that he yelled suddenly choked in his throat.

  Austin was holding a swaddling baby by the delivery bed, and was teasing the baby with his head down.

  "Ayu, can you be quiet." Gu Cichuan was covered with a heavy quilt, although his face was pale and weak, but he was a real, well-behaved Gu Cichuan.

  "The communication was interrupted suddenly just now, I thought you..." Yan Yu suddenly experienced great sorrow and joy in a short period of time, and murmured blankly.

  Austin shook his head as if laughing, and picked up the child: "Your Highness was trying to give birth to this little one just now, so how could he still have the strength to speak?"

  Although Gu Cichuan said reproachful words, he looked at Yan Yu with doting eyes, The tone was helpless: "Ayu, don't worry, you are so noisy, even if I die, I will be woken up by you."

  He finally got together with Yan Yu through all kinds of hardships, and how could he be willing to leave her.

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