Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 bursts

When Gu Cichuan returned to the teacher's dormitory, he passed by Huanzhou's room, and there was a slight snoring sound from the half-closed door, and it could be heard that Huanzhou had been asleep for a long time.

Gu Cichuan took his steps lightly, locked the door, and then closed the automatic curtains of the room's floor-to-ceiling windows. There was no more moonlight or light coming in. The thick night swept and swallowed the entire room in an instant. More dead and gloomy than night.

After turning on the optical computer, he opened several fluorescent light screens with his fingers, and then entered complex and lengthy passwords respectively. The whole process was cumbersome, but he looked cautious and solemn.

With a sound of notification, a glowing red light screen flickered and was turned on. This is a dark net for underground trading. Although the price is high, many items that are strictly forbidden to be traded in the empire can only be bought here , such as the inhibitor that Gu Cichuan urgently needs now.

The irony is that alpha's want to buy inhibitors not only at low prices, but also very convenient. They can be bought in all pharmacies and even convenience stores on the street, but omega are banned from buying and selling inhibitors by the empire, and the control is very strict.

It is even more ridiculous to link this regulation with the twenty-seventh article in the "Imperial Code" that "Omega will be forced to match by the gene bank department if there is no spouse within ten years after reaching adulthood".

In the eyes of the alphas in power in the empire, omega is just a tool for giving birth and multiplying offspring, and is not worthy of freedom and the right to choose life at all.

Gu Cichuan opened his order record, and the logistics showed that the inhibitor was still in the air port of the Imperial Star, and it had been three days.

Or he was careless.

It was also only when he realized that the inspections at the aviation checkpoints of Imperial Star, the capital star of the empire, were much stricter than those of other planets. It would take less than a week to pass the inspection checkpoints, but as long as he passed the checkpoints, he would be able to receive the A new box of inhibitors has arrived.

But the biggest problem is that if Gu Cichuan's estrus suddenly comes within two or three days, then he will be completely lost.

The "Imperial Law" clearly mentions that omega has no right to become an official or join the army. Once discovered, relevant personnel will be dealt with severely.

He must never be found out by anyone that he is an omega.

Once someone finds out that he is an omega and reports it, not only will he be deprived of his military rank and post, he will be secretly sent to a military court and finally sentenced to prison, which is considered a good result. If the matter becomes serious and triggers the influence of public opinion at the social level, maybe he will be executed in secret.

Gu Cichuan knew how much the alpha's in high positions were afraid of the omega trying to break the invisible shackles on their bodies, and refused to be a reproductive machine obediently, so they would kill all bad signs from the source.

Over the years, he has also encountered unexpected situations.

When he was an ordinary soldier who had just joined the army many years ago, he had a sudden estrus on the battlefield, but the inhibitor was lost in the battle with the Zerg, and he was quickly discovered by a group of soldiers accompanying him.

The captain threw himself on him with a ferocious expression, while the others laughed and said that they would send him to the court-martial after having had enough fun.

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