Chapter 54

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Chapter 54 Slag A

"But back then..."

"Xiaoyu, what are you still dawdling about? I said I'm going to report to the army today." Yan Wenyan's sudden appearance interrupted Achilles' unfinished sentence loudly.

Ning Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated a few steps weakly, as if she had escaped the death penalty.

"Drinking soup just now delayed time." Yan Yu explained to Yan Wenyan, and then gave Achilles a strange look: "But what?"

Ning Jin's body froze, and his scalp went numb for a moment. With his back turned to Yan Yu, he stared at Achilles in horror, his eyes full of earnestness and pleading.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it when you come back." Yan Wenyan glanced at Ning Jin's expression, feeling something was wrong, and his heart sank.

He hurriedly half-pushed and half-pushed Yan Yu to go out: "Xiao Yu, don't write any more ink, some clan uncles will take you to familiarize yourself with the troops stationed in the Imperial Capital, and now the Zerg war is very tight, besides, you are doomed from now on." To control the Yan family, there is still a lot to learn."

Yan Yu opened her lips but hesitated to speak. Since Yan Wenyan is here, I'm afraid she won't be able to ask anything useful, so she can only give up and leave.

Seeing Yan Yu's back disappear completely, the pretendingly loving smile on Yan Wenyan's face gradually disappeared, he glanced arrogantly at Achilles: "Achilles, what are you going to do?"

But Achilles sneered: "Yan Wenyan, don't get used to putting on such a high air, I am the head of Rodriguez, you and I are equal, I don't need to respect you."

Yan Wenyan choked, and seemed about to retort, but was interrupted by Ning Jin's hateful voice: "Achilles, I know it's wrong for me to lie, but aren't you a good friend of me and Ayu, why do you have to come to disrupt the situation?"

"It was only because of Ayu that I was willing to get along with you and Qu Hongyu. You are in Ayu's favor, so don't be sentimental."

Achilles' eyes were full of disgust: "After Ayu's accident back then, you were afraid of being implicated by her and quickly broke off the engagement. How can a person like you be worthy of her? What's more, before she lost her memory, she had already told me that she had loved you a long time ago. No more feelings. Otherwise, why do you think she got hurt? It wasn’t because of Gu Cichuan.”

Although Achilles also dislikes Gu Cichuan, but compared to Ning Jin, who is a tea-like guy, Gu Cichuan is slightly more pleasing to the eye than Ning Jin.

"No, no..." Ning Jin's whole body was weak, and he collapsed on the ground powerlessly. His long hair was disheveled, and for the first time he lost his dignity and coldness, and murmured incredulously: "Ah Yu will only love me, she's just mad at me, she won't love anyone else."

"If you want to deceive yourself and others, you can continue to deceive yourself. Anyway, in my opinion, you have to blame yourself." Achilles snorted coldly.

Yan Wenyan is not interested in the love affairs of these young people, he only cares about Yan's interests, he cleared his throat: "Okay, can we stop the internal strife. Those families headed by Prescott are still Staring at Yan Yu, Achilles, if you really don't join us, do you want to see Yan Yu die?"

Achilles' eyes tightened, and his fingertips trembled slightly.

Yan Wenyan, such a bad old man, really knows how to catch his weakness.

Yan Wenyan's eyes flashed: "Achilles, Gu Cichuan is from the federation. If you tell Yan Yu the truth, what do you think she will do for Gu Cichuan? Her amnesia can be serious." It's all to cover Gu Cichuan's departure. If she thinks about it again, she will do something crazy for Gu Cichuan. For example, it is not impossible to leave the empire and join the federation... Before leaving the empire, do you think she will Is there a way out?"

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