Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 favoritism

"Achilles, what are you still doing here, the bell will stop soon!"

Hearing the greeting from the person behind him, the young man in the dark blue school uniform of the First Military Academy turned his head, smiled and shook his head: "I'm waiting for Yan Yu, I'll go right away."

The young man named Achilles is blond and blue-eyed, and he is the direct descendant of the Rodriguez family among the ten clans of the imperial capital.

He was tall and handsome, with fluffy blond hair that seemed to be woven by the goddess Moira out of orange blossom and campanula. His emerald eyes were like a deep pool of green pools, or blue-colored emeralds. Impeccable and handsome facial features, fit and sunny smile, like the sun god in ancient Greek mythology, shining in the sun.

In the empire, the descendants of the aristocratic families are all pure black hair and black eyes or blond hair and blue eyes, which represent the pure blood descendants of the race belonging to the ancient earth. Black hair and black eyes belong to the Chinese yellow race, while Achilles belongs to the purebred blood of the Nordic Aryans, and they are all highly respected by the people of the empire.

Because the purity of the blood usually means the level of spiritual talent. Mental power in the empire is divided into twelve classes, starting from the 5s level, they are 4s, 3s, 2s, s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g.

The mental power of 5s is only a limit ceiling value that only appears in legends measured by the scientific research institutions of the empire. 4s is the highest combat power of all alphas today. In the entire empire, there are more than a dozen galaxies and vast planets, countless Among the citizens of the empire, there are only about a hundred people at this level.

As for omega, the mental strength of 3s level is already top-notch, and the offspring bred by 3s level omega are all extremely talented. There has never been a 4s level omega in history.

And the reason why the aristocratic family headed by the ten clans of the imperial capital can hold the top power of the empire is because the same races in the ten clans will marry and form allies, control the purity of the blood, and occasionally there are geniuses with strong spiritual power. After being born, Alpha will soon be recruited by the Ten Clans, and Omega will be married into the clan to reproduce.

The Star Ten Clan in the imperial capital is enduring and prosperous for thousands of years.

As the ringtone gradually faded, Achilles' expression unconsciously became a little anxious, and suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps, he turned his head in surprise, and saw that it was Yan Yu, pulling her while running and saying: " You're finally back, I told you not to sneak home yesterday, or you won't be able to go back to military training."

Yan Yu and Achilles are alphas of the same age and talented young people from the ten tribes. They have known each other since childhood and can be said to be very close friends.

The First Military Academy has a closed management system for students, and they only have three days off at the end of each month. If they are local students who live in the Imperial Capital, they can go home again. If they are students from other planets in remote galaxies, they may You can only go home after your annual leave or even graduation.

Yan Yu tidied up her school uniform while running: "Isn't this my ah-ying who sent a message saying she misses me?"

"You just went back to see your sister?" Achilles looked at her suspiciously: "Didn't you go back to see Ning Jin?"

"A Jin was not allowed to be released by the family yesterday." Yan Yu scratched her head: "It's okay, I'll skip class and go back to see him in two days."

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