Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Dependency period

With such a sentence, it is like playing disco in alpha's minefield.

"Aren't you okay?"

When Gu Cichuan said angrily, "Yan Yu, are you not good enough", Yan Yu stood up abruptly.

No alpha could stand being provoked like this by his own omega.

Yan Yu looked at Gu Cichuan condescendingly, her eyes were deep, she gently twisted Gu Cichuan's jaw with her fingertips: "Now you have one last chance to regret it."

Gu Cichuan let out a low snort, grabbed Yan Yu's hand and touched his rolling Adam's apple, and then slowly manipulated her hand to slide to the button of his jacket: "Don't make me look down on you."

Before Gu Cichuan could finish his sentence, Yan Yu pressed him hard against the boulder, and Yan Yu directly tore his prison uniform, which was of average quality or even rough, with two hands.

In the next moment, Gu Cichuan only felt that Yan Yu turned back and pressed on his back, and the back of his neck felt cold. Because Yan Yu was being provoked one after another, her actions were much rougher than before, and her teeth were biting hard on Gu Cichuan. On the glands in the back of Cichuan's neck.

Gu Cichuan snorted, he watched Yan Yu's slightly curly long hair falling in front of his eyes, and a pair of blue eyes gradually lost focus.

A strong and sweet scent of white peach oolong rises in the air, flowing around like a huge mushroom cloud exploding, but it is soon enveloped by the refreshing and dry mint smell.


I don't know how many times it has been attacked.

Gu Cichuan's clear blue eyes have long been in a trance, his cheeks and eye ends are flushed, like peach blossoms in the rain, and even the tip of his nose is stained with a few streaks of peach petal crimson, and this gorgeous Crimson, like ink, flowed and meandered along his brown skin layeredly, blooming on the scarred body.

His slender neck was like a dying swan, leaning back weakly, and the muscular lines of his brown and plump chest trembled with his breathing.

His blue eyes are hazy and blurred, like a smoky sea in which sirens haunt, confusing the world and never being able to swim through it.

Yan Yu's favorite Gu Cichuan's eyes, it seems that all the water in the world is swaying in his eyes.

Gu Cichuan has always been a stubborn character, he bit his thin lips tightly, even though his lips had been bitten to the point of bleeding, he tried his best not to make any shameful sounds.

Yan Yu refused to let him go, and the attack between her lips and teeth would not let up at all: "A Ci, don't bear it."

Her kiss prevented him from biting his lips to restrain his moaning, and Gu Cichuan soon heard him making the most disgusting and unimaginable sound he had ever had before.

Only then was Yan Yu satisfied, and triumphantly whispered into Gu Cichuan's ear and asked, "Can I do it?"

Gu Cichuan pursed his lips and did not speak.

Yan Yu couldn't help feeling anxious, at this moment Gu Cichuan deeply realized how naive a partner ten years younger than himself is.

She clasped his neck tightly and kept asking this question, which meant that she would not let go unless he answered.

Gu Cichuan's eyes were full of helplessness, even mixed with a bit of doting, he coughed lightly, his voice was already hoarse: "...OK. Very good."

The starlight in the desolate Gobi is shining brightly, the Milky Way hangs low, and they embrace each other tightly under the starry sky.

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