Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 stay

Austin walked quickly to the outside of the cell, the flames soaring into the sky reflected the night outside as if it were day, the voices of the people roared, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Countless birds, stars, and beasts hovered in the sky, and the overwhelming dense black surges fell violently like falling meteors, launching a suicidal attack, constantly hitting the protective shield above the prison, and the electric current buzzed With a loud noise, many birds and star beasts turned into flying ash almost instantly when they touched the protective shield, but there were still a terrifying number of birds and star beasts continuing to stalk one after another, like moths to a flame.

And the protective cover that has always been solid and glowing with a faint blue light already has countless spider web-like cracks, obviously it can't last for too long.

However, Austin looked around and saw that the buildings near this building were ignited with raging flames. The red light soared into the sky, the night wind howled, and the flames jumped thousands of miles.

With his naked eyes, Austin could see a team of prison guards fighting two or three sturdy Lucas star beasts in the open space under a building not far away.

They panicked and kept shooting Lucas star beasts with high-energy particle wooden bins and high-temperature ray wooden bins. However, Lucas star beasts are not only rough-skinned and thick, but also fast-moving. Ordinary wooden barn methods can't hit them at all. The young prison guards were slapped by them, or their throats were bitten off.

There were still a few Lucas star beasts spitting out flames and ice from their mouths, presumably the fire was also caused by their hands and feet. There are indeed a very small number of star beasts in each group that can evolve supernatural powers, and the combat power of these star beasts with supernatural powers is even higher than ordinary star beasts.

Countless searchlights were turned on, sweeping across the tall buildings in the prison area. Countless other types of large star beasts were illuminated by the beams of light, but disappeared like fish slipping into the water. The thick night covered a daunting crisis.

"Master Austin, be careful!" When Austin was in a daze, a prison guard beside him shouted, and pushed Austin back, and then saw a star beast in the shape of a giant wolf rushing towards Austin. Because beta's combat power is not strong, he took out the high-energy particle wooden bin in the storage button in a panic, and shot a few wooden bins indiscriminately, but the giant wolf quickly dodged them.

But obviously the giant wolf was also very afraid of this thing in the hands of humans, and chose to retreat to the darkness behind him as a cover. The shrill wolf howl sounded, and it was no doubt that it was calling for its companions.

"Master Austin, get out of here!" The prison guard beside Austin shouted in a panic, and quickly rushed into the elevator in the corridor, followed by several other prison guards. Now this situation is too busy for himself, Austin can't follow If you go to them, you can only ask for blessings.

As for Gu Cichuan, who was a prisoner, he had long been forgotten by them.

Austin subconsciously followed the prison guards for a few steps, and the sound of the optical-brain connection on his wrist sounded quickly. Austin didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but found that it was Yan Yu's call. He quickly connected, and his fingertips were sending trembling.

"Austin, are you okay? And how is Gu Cichuan?" Yan Yu's eager voice came from the light brain.

It was only then that Austin remembered Gu Cichuan who had been given muscle relaxants and was still in the cell, and he stopped in a little embarrassment.

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