Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Can I have a drink for massage?

  "Ayu, I want to see the baby."

  Gu Cichuan struggled to sit up, but due to the exhaustion of the childbirth, he was so weak that it was extremely difficult to even move his arms. Yan Yu quickly and carefully helped his upper body to sit up.

  "Are they boys or girls?" Gu Cichuan asked with concern. As for the ABO gender of the two children, we won't know until they are 12 years old.

  Yan Yu rubbed his nose and smiled embarrassingly: "I was too anxious about your situation just now, and I didn't even bother to see them."

  Gu Cichuan smiled helplessly, but this kind of love that was put on the tip of his heart by his partner The feeling of love made his heart warm, and his chest rose.

  Yan Yu beckoned, and the doctor who was initially frightened by Yan Yu came over with the baby in his arms, and Austin also came over with the child in his arms: "The elder brother was born first, and the younger sister was born later."

  Gu Cichuan With one baby in her arms, Yan Yu frantically hugged the other, because the baby felt uncomfortable because of the incorrect posture, the baby who had been sleeping quietly and soundly began to cry immediately, Gu Cichuan's eyes were full of worry: "Ayu, If you don’t know how to hold a baby, then let Austin hold it.”

  Yan Yu patted the baby’s back in a panic, barely coaxing him to sleep, she hummed in a low voice, because Gu Cichuan’s dystocia just now made her still have lingering fears, and couldn’t help it she kept muttering: "I want to take a closer look at these two little guys who almost killed you, do they look like you or me?"

  But Yan Yu looked left and right, turned around and stared hard Looking at the wrinkled and crowded facial features of the two babies, the expression became complicated: "Hiss, why are you so awkward? They are wrinkled like two little monkeys, not like us at all."

  Gu Cichuan laughed and said: "How can you talk about your own child like that? Newborn babies are like this, and they will look much better after a while."

  He paused and couldn't help asking: "By the way, Ayu is going to What are the names for the two children?"

  Yan Yu chuckled, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of tenderness and softness: "I thought about it before, and you must be the one to choose the names of the children. You spent half your life on them In exchange, no one is more qualified than you."

  Gu Cichuan was stunned, and responded with a low voice, his blue eyes were very clear, shining clear waves, like the swaying light of a vast expanse of star pool.

  After all, in this era where alphas are respected deeply, Yan Yu's attitude not only shows that she respects Gu Cichuan's wishes and ideas, but also that she will not take it for granted like other alphas, but will face him squarely. pay.

  Yan Yu was about to say something else, but the baby in her arms suddenly started crying again. She held up the baby helplessly: "Why are you crying again?"

  A doctor beside her quickly explained, "The baby should be hungry. , It is scientifically recommended to feed 40-60ml of milk at a time."

  Gu Cichuan's cheeks became hot, and they quickly became hot, talking about this topic in front of Yan Yu's outsiders made Gu Cichuan feel very ashamed, and he hung down in embarrassment. Eyes, red ears and low voice: "But I don't seem to have...milk yet."

  The doctor pushed his glasses and said calmly: "It's okay, you can

  Feed with formula first. After all, each Omega has a different constitution. Some may have milk within half an hour after giving birth, while others may take longer. However, generally within three days, there will be milk naturally. "

  "Then what if I'm not enough?" " Gu Cichuan couldn't help asking. After all, he wanted to try not to feed instant milk powder to his children, but he gave birth to twins, so he couldn't help but worry that his milk would not be enough.

  "You don't have to worry about this, your highness . Food and food will affect the secretion of milk, and when you will eat, you can have someone prepare it for you. " The doctor raised a meaningful smile: "You can also massage the breasts with special techniques to achieve the effect of prolactin. I will send these professional videos to the Marshal later." The

  doctor paused, and then added with some hesitation: "However, Marshal has a lot of things to do every day. If you don't have time, you can also ask a special prolactinist to do it for you..."

  "If you have time. "Yan Yu interrupted the doctor in a cold voice, and opened her eyes to speak nonsense with a straight face.

  Even if Gu Cichuan didn't turn his head, he could still feel Yan Yu's scorching gaze beside him. Of course he knew what his partner was thinking. , felt ashamed and lightly pinched the soft flesh of Yan Yu's arm. After the

  doctor and Austin carried the child out, Yan Yu looked at Gu Cichuan with a half-smile, approached slowly, and lifted Gu Cichuan with his fingertips. Chuan's jaw: "Little Heipi's courage is getting bigger and bigger, and he even dared to pinch me. "

  Yan Yu's cold fingertips touched his skin, but it seemed to be on fire. Gu Cichuan could not help but feel his body becoming hot.

  Gu Cichuan frowned, and stared at Yan Yu angrily. One glance: "I didn't use any strength at all. "

  "I don't care. "Yan Yu looked quite rascal: "I want to pinch it back." "

  Fingertips have dishonestly penetrated into the neckline, pulling the beans. Gu Cichuan let out an indistinct moan, and he quickly bit his lips in shame, forcibly holding back the moan that was about to overflow between his lips and teeth, The ends of the eyes were dyed a cluster of thin red, and the wet blue eyes looked at Yan Yu helplessly.

  Gu Cichuan's plump chest soon showed wet marks, and Yan Yu, a little wolf cub, had jumping and flickering lights in her eyes, a pair of obsidian-like clear eyes full of desire, and she couldn't wait to eat some of the food in front of her. A fat big black rabbit.

  She leaned over, her long hair pouring down from one side, the black hair as dark as ink was entangled with the man's white hair as cold as cold rivers of frost: "A Ci, I seem to be a little hungry too, can I have a drink?"

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