Chapter 81

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Chapter 81 Junxin milk is very sweet

  "Ayu, isn't that will eat up the child's portion." Gu Cichuan's complexion, which was as silky as chocolate sauce wrapped in honey, was covered with thin red because of the shame.

  As if through glass window grilles, the azure blue eyes were filled with mist, which made people's heart itch.

  The man who was strong enough to tear the Zerg with his hands seemed to have lost his usual sternness at this moment, and the woman who could only push her chest weakly looked more like a desperate woman.

  Yan Yu squinted her eyes with a satisfied face, and even seemed to be unsatisfied. She licked the milky white marks on the corners of her lips with the tip of her tongue, and whispered in Gu Cichuan's ear.

  "Little Heipi's very sweet."

  Gu Cichuan blushed, lowered his blue eyes in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "By the way, Ayu, I've thought of a name for the child."

  "Oh?" Yan Yu Playing with Gu Cichuan's long hair, he lay lazily beside Gu Cichuan, with a smile in his eyes.

  "Yan Yuanjun, Yan Siyi." Gu Cichuan said with some embarrassment as his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

  He was wandering outside when he was young, and his status was so humble that it was difficult for him to survive. When he was an adult, he was usually in the north and south, and he had no time to sing the wind and play the moon. cultural heritage.

  Although he is of mixed race, but because of Yan Yu, he can't help but have a strong interest in the Chinese culture left on the ancient earth, and has been learning secretly.

  "May you, miss you..." Yan Yu murmured these two names, her body trembled suddenly, sensing the man's reserved and clumsy intentions, she couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed Gu Cichuan's forehead gently, and said in a warm voice: "Aci, me too." I

  only hope that the king's heart is like my heart, and I will never disappoint lovesickness.


  "I can't delay any longer, tomorrow I will set off for Planet Tennyson to capture Claire Latin of the Butterfly Clan alive." Yan Yu said in a deep voice, in the main control room The high-level people of the empire and the alliance suddenly fell into silence.

  Even though Achilles already knew that Yan Yu had already made a decision, his blue eyes like peacock feathers were still full of worry: "Ayu, even if you have 5S mental power now, planet Tennyson is located in the hinterland of the Zerg, so It's too dangerous to go deep alone..."

  "Marshal Yan is the only 5S-level spiritual power among us humans. There is a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Marshal Yan cannot bear this burden. , then who else can afford it?"

  A general of the Federation said with a smile, as if he was afraid that Yan Yu would regret it, and hurriedly put a big hat on her.

  Yan Yu propped her forehead with her right hand, and looked at the speaker with a half-smile, but her eyes were full of sternness. The person who spoke in a strange way was the one who complained when Gu Cichuan gave birth that day.

  The Federation and the Empire have been at odds for a long time. Even now that the Zerg race is in danger, there are still friction gaps in the undercurrents of factional disputes.

  But this person dared to cause Gu Cichuan's fetal gas, hemorrhage out of control and almost gave birth to a dystocia, she will never let this person have a good death.

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