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Chapter 88 Parallel World: Contract Lover 3

"Why are you so hot?"

There was a thin layer of cold sweat on Yan Yu's forehead, because he was not familiar with Gu Cichuan, he subconsciously pushed him away, and forced himself to stand up: "It's nothing."

The palm of Gu Cichuan's pushed away hand curled up unconsciously, his fingertips trembled slightly, and a trace of sadness flashed quickly in his blue eyes, but it quickly turned into worry.

Alpha is strong and seldom gets sick, but Yan Yu's body is already weak after being seriously injured, and she must have had a fever after being in the rain for so long just now.

Gu Cichuan led Yan Yu to settle in a random room, and he quickly dialed the communication of the optical brain. As he said, several private doctors lived nearby, and rushed over in about ten minutes.

Fever is only a common ailment. The doctors quickly fed Yan Yu with healing liquid and antipyretics. Soon her condition improved visibly to the naked eye, and her body temperature also subsided, but her face was still pale. Weakly half-closed his eyes, looking sleepy.

Gu Cichuan felt a long, sore, tingling pain in his chest, and his heart suddenly seemed to be tightened and crushed. Seeing Yan Yu's injury was far more painful than his own suffering.

"Go to sleep for a while, and I'll call you up for dinner later." Amidst the shocked and complicated expressions of the doctors, Gu Cichuan covered Yan Yu with a quilt. It's like coaxing a child.

After all, when Gu Cichuan gets along with them on weekdays, he always looks calm and indifferent, so seeing Gu Cichuan's gentle side makes them feel weird.

After the doctors gave Yan Yu a general examination, Gu Cichuan called him to the study.

"Her mental power...is there really no possibility of recovering at all?"

"The equipment we carry with us is not accurate enough for the mental strength test. It is suggested that General Gu can take her to a special hospital and department for special examination and recovery treatment." The leading doctor stepped forward and answered. Dao, with a bit of regret on his expression: "However, when her mental power consciousness was detected, it was dead silent, and the chance of being able to regenerate mental power is very small..."

Gu Cichuan's eyes darkened, and he nodded expressionlessly.

After he walked out of the study, the part-time workers hired by the housekeeping company came on time. Gu Cichuan likes to be quiet, and in order to prevent too many people from accidentally exposing himself as an omega thing, most of the housework at home is usually done by the smart home AI, but the part-time workers only come twice a day during meal times , responsible for cooking and housework that smart home AI has missed.

"What would Mr. Gu want to eat today? Or would you like to eat the a la carte from that restaurant?"

Gu Cichuan asked: "Now my friend lives here, and she is still recovering from her injuries. You should cook some light food during these days."

The part-time workers found that Gu Cichuan, who usually doesn't care about food and often uses nutrient solution to satisfy his hunger when he is busy with work, actually entered the kitchen for the first time today.

Gu Cichuan carefully watched every step of their cooking, with a serious expression as if he was referring to the most secret military affairs of the empire.

Gu Cichuan just stood here and said nothing, but the terrifying aura made the hourly workers who usually do things neat and tidy feel more pressure, and they became flustered, either chopping vegetables and cutting their fingers, or frying vegetables. pot.

In the end, it took them twice as long to prepare dinner than usual. Fortunately, Gu Cichuan didn't blame them much, and just left with the food on his own.

At this time, Yan Yu just woke up after sleeping for several hours. Gu Cichuan helped her to sit up, and then sat beside her. Handed it to Yan Yu's mouth with an expression.

Yan Yu froze for a moment, feeling uncomfortable with Gu Cichuan's thoughtful service: "Thank you, but I'll do it myself... Well, you don't have to be so nice to me, we are just a contractual relationship..."

Gu Cichuan looked at Yan Yu's awkward and uneasy look, and could only pretend to be indifferent: "Don't think too much, you are just a tool for me to solve the estrus, I just want to take care of your body , I won’t have any accidents when my estrus suddenly occurs in the future.”

Yan Yu blinked, and replied blankly: "Gu, Instructor Gu..."

"I haven't taught you for a long time, just call me by my name." Gu Cichuan gave a pause to the hand holding the spoon.

Yan Yu's face showed a bit of hesitation: "It's not very good, after all, you are an elder..."

Gu Cichuan's eyelids twitched, his voice became a little colder, and he said in an almost uncompromising tone: "Call me by my name."

"...Cichuan?" Yan Yu scratched her head and had no choice but to call out.

Gu Cichuan responded in a low voice, his azure blue eyes shimmered like streamers of moon shattered stardust, and instantly lit up.

"Open your mouth." Gu Cichuan said expressionlessly, but his movements were extremely gentle and careful.

Gu Cichuan carefully and tirelessly fed the warm porridge into Yan Yu's mouth spoon by spoon, which even warmed her weak body.

Yan Yu was originally a time when people were betraying relatives, and because of illness she was a little bit fragile, so she couldn't help but feel a little moved by Gu Cichuan's meticulous care.

If it was in the past, Yan Yu might have thought about it too much, but now her sea of ​​consciousness has been destroyed, so she has self-knowledge. A powerful and arrogant omega like Gu Cichuan will never think about her as a cripple. It's just because of what happened back then that he treated her so well.

Obviously, she was just a little effort back then, but now she is betrayed by everyone, and when she is most helpless, only Gu Cichuan, who is almost a stranger, is willing to reach out to help her.

Yan Yu's heart warmed up, and she said sincerely, "Ci Chuan, you are really a good person."

Gu Cichuan: "..."

He hated Yan Yu for being like a piece of wood.

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