Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Olivia

There was only a burst of hurried footsteps, followed by the sound of closing the high-energy barrier, and the panicked voice of the prison guard sounded from behind: "Mr. Prison, the Lukas herd is rioting again!"

It was only then that Yan Yu realized that her lips were so close to Gu Cichuan, she scolded herself inwardly for being absurd, how could she have such unrealistic thoughts just now.

If you really kiss...

At first, Gu Cichuan seemed to have some misunderstandings about himself and didn't like her very much. If she had really kissed her just now, he would feel that he was a dissolute and romantic alpha, and he would definitely hate her. .

Yan Yu touched her nose guiltily, calmed down and told the prison guard behind her: "Understood, I will deal with it right away." Then she turned around, but did not dare to look directly at Gu Cichuan: "Then I, I will deal with it right away." gone."

Gu Cichuan lowered his head and responded in a low voice. He didn't raise his eyes until the sound of Yan Yu's leaving footsteps had disappeared for a long time. His blue eyes were full of disappointment and depression.

If Gu Cichuan could hear Yan Yu's inner voice, he would definitely retort in anger - he just didn't like Yan Yu messing around with other people, but if Yan Yu only touched him...

Cough... He is reluctant (willing) (willing) (feeling) (willing) to accept it...


"Austin, what happened to the Lucas herd riot?"

"Master Prison, are you back? Is your trip going well?" Austin hurriedly went up to him, pointing at the projection of the light screen, which showed the situation outside the prison's 100-meter-high poured concrete wall. There were countless restless dogs The Lukas beast leaped back and forth on the hill outside the high wall, and two horrible corpses could be vaguely distinguished in the herd, which had been devoured to the point of unsightly, bloody and bloody, and debris flying everywhere.

"That's Sun An and Senior who went out to patrol the signal base station today." Austin said in a deep voice.

Yan Yu looked at the two fragmented corpses and frowned: "Last time, the Lucas herd only seriously injured a few prison guards, but this time they killed a few."

This was also the case some time ago, when several prison guards went out to patrol the signal base station, they were injured by the Lucas herd.

Lucas beast is a large carnivorous star beast, which looks like the snow leopard of the ancient earth, but they have a high IQ, and the ability to attack with mental power. The body is strong, and the average mental power is about s level, and very few can reach 2s level. Even the 3s level is one of the most dangerous types of star beasts among the local star beasts of Katlas.

After Yan Yu reported it, the relevant agencies of the imperial government also sent personnel to investigate, but found nothing. The conclusion is only that the Lukas herd riot may be due to the fact that the weather in Katras has turned into summer and suddenly jumped to a terrifying high temperature factor.

When Austin heard Yan Yu's words, he couldn't help shaking his head: "McGee City and Morton City, which are only about 500 kilometers away from Katras, have already been killed."

Although Katlas is remote, and the official star paths are generally closed on weekdays, it is almost a Death Star with no access, but besides Katlas Prison, there are also some small cities clustered around it. Some of the residents of these cities are the natives left behind by Katlas, and some are refugees from other planets who have drifted here without legal status. Most of the people living in these cities are poor and poor in supplies, but they are also very self-aware and never wander around in heavily guarded prisons.

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