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Chapter 87 Parallel World: Contract Lover 2

"You are the prettiest, I want you."

When these words came out, both of them were startled.

Gu Cichuan's heart jumped suddenly, and he soon realized that this sentence was not appropriate.

Alpha is arrogant by nature and always respects strength, how could she like to hear others praise her appearance, such words will definitely make Yan Yu feel that she is humiliating and laughing at her.

He pursed his lips and was about to explain, but Yan Yu smiled indifferently: "It seems that my face is still useful."

Yan Yu was not angry when she heard Gu Cichuan say that. After all, she was self-aware. In this transaction, she only needed to mark Gu Cichuan to help him get through the estrus period, but he promised that he could help her get revenge. No matter what She earned it.

But Yan Yu couldn't help silently slandering whether Gu Cichuan was talking big. After all, he was just a legion commander. How could he directly confront Yan Shi from the Star Ten Clan of the imperial capital, and said with a complicated expression: " You... said you wanted to help me take revenge..."

"Although I'm not a big shot, I've reached the position of admiral after working hard in the army over the years, and I have some useful people under my command. Don't say that I'm only going to fight against your idiot who is full of bad intentions. Even with Shangyan, I'm not completely unsure." Gu Cichuan said with a calm expression.

Yan Yu's pupils shrank, and she looked at Gu Cichuan in disbelief, her face was full of surprise and bewilderment, she was speechless for a moment.

After her accident, she was not in the mood to care about the news of the outside world at all, but she also heard Achilles faintly mention it a few days ago.

There was an alpha from a poor family in the army who single-handedly killed a king. It happened that the last 4s of the Trivikon family of the ten clans had long since fallen, but fell on the battlefield. There was a mistake, but he was so successful that he became one of the top ten generals in the empire.

And the top forces of the empire's military and political departments have always been held in the hands of the top ten families, this is the first time that Alpha, who came from a humble background, was able to enter the upper power center of the empire.

Yan Yu never expected that this person was actually Gu Cichuan.

And this shocked her even more.

Because Gu Cichuan is actually an omega.

Gu Cichuan didn't pay much attention to Yan Yu's complicated eyes, but looked at her bare feet, and his eyes sank.

He suddenly squatted down, took out a pair of disposable slippers from the storage button, and put them on Yan Yu's astonished eyes very naturally: "I'll go back with you to pack your things, don't live here anymore."

"Go and live with me."

Gu Cichuan squatted down unexpectedly to put on her shoes, causing Yan Yu's body to become stiff immediately, and turned her head a little embarrassed, but when she heard Gu Cichuan's words, her eyes suddenly tightened: "I live with you?"

Yan Yu quickly declined: "When you need it, you can call me anytime."

Of course, since her accident, Yan Shi will no longer care about whether she lives or dies as a waste, but she and Gu Cichuan are not familiar with each other, and they are different, how can they live together casually? Woolen cloth?

What's more, her current situation is complicated, and she didn't have any friendship with Gu Cichuan before, and she suddenly came so close. If it is spread and other people know about it, she will definitely be maliciously speculated and spread some gossip.

But Gu Cichuan insisted: "When I need you, it's too late to call you from other places. If my estrus suddenly comes and the pheromone leaks accidentally, then what's the point of me making a deal with you? If my people want to help you heal your mental power, it is more convenient for you to stay by my side.”

He paused, and then added lightly: "My house is quite big, and no one lives there, so your daily life will not be disturbed."

Gu Cichuan said so many reasons in a high-sounding manner. Although he did have some selfishness, he was more worried about Yan Yu's safety. After all, it was hard for that damned Yan Hu to attack his own sister ruthlessly in order to fight for power and profit. There is no guarantee that he will make Yan Yu disappear once and for all.

Yan Yu listened to Gu Cichuan's words to be reasonable, and then looked at his plain and natural appearance, and felt in her heart that she was thinking too much, not to mention that she didn't want to go back now.

Xiaoying, who was clinging to her every day at home, was gone, and Ye Tingbai was also sent to a mental hospital by them. Her most important people are gone.

In addition to seeing the happy face of the enemy, Hui Yan could only touch the scene and hurt his feelings.

"Okay, excuse me."

"...I may really be able to take revenge with your power. But I can't do anything except help you solve the estrus." Yan Yu was silent for a while, lowered her eyes and said softly: "But I never like to take advantage of others , if I can really take revenge in the future, you will be my benefactor, as long as you need it, I can stand up for you."

"No, we don't owe anyone." Gu Cichuan said coldly, "If it wasn't for you, I would have been found out as omega and imprisoned in a court-martial long ago. Even if I have the status I have now, let's talk about it for real You are my benefactor."

It was only then that Yan Yu realized that this seemingly indifferent and serious man, who was serious and unsmiling, was actually a kind-hearted man who knew how to reciprocate, and she couldn't help feeling a little more fond of Gu Cichuan from the bottom of her heart, so she didn't say anything more.


Gu Cichuan has become an upstart of the empire, and the private mansion he lives in is indeed magnificent and vast, it can even be regarded as a castle if it is an exaggeration. But he likes to be quiet, so his mansion is not in the golden location in the central area like Yan's house, but in a pleasant, warm and quiet landscape area.

He led Yan Yu through the reception room and hall on the first floor of the villa, and then walked to the elevator: "I live in the rightmost room on the second floor. There is no one on the third and seventh floors. You can choose which room you want to live in." pick."

I couldn't help asking suspiciously: "No one?... I thought that although you said that there are few people in the family, there will always be a few subordinates and people who are responsible for cleaning or other housekeeping."

So she thought that under such circumstances, cohabiting with Gu Cichuan would not be too awkward.

"I usually like to be quiet, not to mention that it is not convenient for me sometimes, so I don't like frequent outsiders coming in and out." Gu Cichuan explained to Yan Yu while pressing the elevator button.

"The villa area where my subordinates and my personal doctor live is very close to here, less than a ten-minute drive away, and they can come here at any time if there is a situation. I don't like to have a housekeeper. I use smart robots or invites for housework on weekdays. hourly worker."

Yan Yu was startled. She belatedly realized that for most of the time after that, there were only her and Gu Cichuan in such a large house.

"Since you like quiet so much, why don't I bother you..." Yan Yu said dryly with a bit of hesitation on his face.

Gu Cichuan frowned, and was about to say something, but saw Yan Yu's expression suddenly changed, his body swayed and he almost fell, Gu Cichuan neatly acted as Yan Yu's meat pad, and let her fall on the ground into his arms, the knuckles of his hands pinching her shoulders turned white: "Why are you so hot?"

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