Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 menstrual periods

Menstrual period? "Yan Yu was startled, opened her mouth and couldn't speak for a while.

As a steel straight a, she doesn't know much about omega's menstrual cycle.

But the memory about that person began to emerge from her mind uncontrollably, like a thorn thorn along her breath, climbing into her chest, spreading and attacking like a gangrene, piercing her heart bluntly It hurts.

Those past events that had been dusty for a long time, rushed towards her head-on with howling wind.

Amidst the melodious sound of the piano in the sky garden, the man who was dining suddenly let out a muffled groan, his long black hair poured down one side, and the warm orange light of the projection lamp on the wooden porch hit his face, but It only made his face pale.

"Ajin, what's the matter with you?" Yan Yu hurriedly put down the knife and fork in her hand, and asked worriedly.

Ning Jin raised his eyes in a panic, his demeanor has always been elegant, and he rarely showed a flustered expression with a quiet demeanor. His lips were pale and he shook his head, but his fingertips tightly squeezed the corner of his clothes, his lips moved slightly, and said in a whisper: "No, it's okay, Ayu, I'm just not feeling well, just take a rest..."

His voice suddenly stopped, his long eyebrows were frowned, and his expression was impatient, as if he was suffering some unspeakable torture.

Yan Yu couldn't sit still anymore, so she quickly got up and pushed the chair away, and stepped directly from the long table to his side in two or three steps: "What's the matter? I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, I won't go." Ning Jin's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist, and the end of his eyes was smudged with lovely cherry powder: "Ayu, I finally came out with you once, Don't go to the hospital."

After all, it was a marriage contract since childhood, and Yan Yu was his future partner. When Ning Jin was alone with her, she always had this soft appearance, no longer the elegant, noble, breezy appearance in front of outsiders.

According to the "Imperial Omega Protection Law", the aristocratic family is very strict on unmarried and underage omega. Even if Yan Yu and Ning Jin made a marriage contract since childhood, it is rare for Ning Jin to come out with her alone.

"But..." Yan Yu frowned disapprovingly, but Ning Jin leaned into her ear. A faint fragrance of water lily filled her sleeves and filled her nostrils. Yan Yu's eyes darkened, but she quickly returned to normal.

With two people, Ning Jin could only hear the breath, and explained to her weakly: "Actually, I'm fine, it's just that my period is here."

Menstrual period?

Yan Yu didn't know much about omega's menstrual cycle, only that omega would happen once a month, and it would last for three to five days. However, omega's estrus period is not fixed. Although there are only two or three times a year, the time is longer.

"Does it hurt?" Yan Yu asked with concern, looking at Ning Jin's furrowed eyebrows and tight lips.

Ning Jin nodded his head, his unattainable beauty like a banished fairy was wrinkled into a bun face due to the pain, Yan Yu could only let the sitting Ning Jin lean on him, comforting him Rubbing his back: "If you are really uncomfortable, don't hold on, I will take you to get the medicine and send you home."

Hearing the words, Ning Jin raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were filled with tears, and he looked like he was about to cry, like the bright moonlight shining, his slender fingers clenched Yan Yu's skirt, like a milk cat under the full moon Curled up softly in her arms, her voice was soft and crying: "Don't go home... Hiss, it hurts, it hurts, Ayu rub my stomach, okay?"

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