Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Moonlight

In the afternoon of late summer in September, the cicadas chirped hoarsely, and the scorching sun scorched the earth with the last bit of strength like the end of a crossbow, and the heat wave swept across.

"Don't be afraid."

After Yan Yu said these comforting words, Gu Cichuan, who was emotionally agitated, really stopped struggling.

If it is said that he was as restless and violent as a ferocious beast, but now he is as obedient as a cub, turning his soft belly and longing for comfort, it is unreasonable to be docile.

In the cramped locker room, it was really difficult to accommodate two people. Yan Yu and Gu Cichuan were almost stuck together, rubbing each other's ears.

The strong smell of white peach oolong lingers in the dressing room, like a magpie scurrying around, flapping its wings, and the whole space begins to be filled with the sweet smell of white peach oolong.

The man who has always been stern, indifferent and unruly in front of outsiders is now blushing, his eyes are smudged with crimson like peach petals, his honey-colored skin is stained with blush, just like brown land blooming beautifully. Spring peach pistils are average.

Gu Cichuan's brows were furrowed, his breathing was rapid, his lips opened helplessly, the corners of his lips were left with the blood left by accidentally biting Yan Yu, and his dark red lips were moist and gorgeous. His blue eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and his slender eyelashes like crow feathers trembled slightly, and were so wet that they were clumped together into strands, looking like he was about to cry.

The azure eyes are sparkling, clear and clear, and the fine waves flicker like stars projected on the water surface. All the seas in the world are opening in his eyes.

His coldness and aloofness in the past are intertwined with the smoky beauty of the present, and they are accumulated into desires that make people fall into hatred and ignorance.

"Instructor Gu, before the others come, I will help you temporarily mark and cover your pheromones, don't struggle, okay?" Yan Yu asked softly.

In Yan Yu's eyes, temporary markers are not a big deal.

There are often omega by her side, when their partners cannot enter the genital cavity for life-long marking under special circumstances, relatives or friends will bite the glands on the back of the neck to temporarily mark the omega to relieve the pain of estrus, so Yan Yu I think temporary marking is a very common thing.

Gu Cichuan's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he gave a low answer.

Since the matter was urgent, Yan Yu didn't hesitate anymore, and bent down to bite the gland on the back of Gu Cichuan's neck.

Just like two adjacent foams on the beer, two cicadas singing to each other on the slanting branches in midsummer, and two dusts snuggling under the lamp, they blend tightly.

Gu Cichuan let out a muffled snort, pursed his thin lips tightly, but still couldn't help a weak and sweet moan from deep in his throat.

A more intense smell of mint suddenly rose, and soon enveloped the arrogant arrogance of the white peach oolong in the air, like fireworks exploding in the night sky, entangled and gradually returned to silence.

This refreshing mint smell made Gu Cichuan feel at ease like never before. When he was a child, he had to be seriously injured before he was allowed to apply an unknown ointment. Such a similar mint flavor.

Although Gu Cichuan's pheromone was almost gone, his body was still so soft that he couldn't move a single step.

And at this moment, with the sound of footsteps, the sound of the students playing and laughing sounded outside the door. It became noisy and noisy outside the door. It was so clear that they could even hear them discussing today's lunch and complaining about the boring and exhausting military training.

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