Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Fate

Yan Yu suddenly said righteously: "A Ci, I haven't finished applying the medicine just now, I will continue to apply it for you, don't move around."

Gu Cichuan's blue eyes flashed, and he raised his eyebrows with a half-smile, he opened his lips as if to speak, but was interrupted by Yan Yu's light-brain prompt.

It was a message from the prison doctor who had left not long ago. When he left in a hurry just now, he said that a prisoner committed suicide and needed first aid.

Yan Yu felt a bad premonition in her heart, and quickly answered, "What's wrong?"

The voice of the prison doctor was panicked: "Master Prison, this prisoner tried to commit suicide, but it was too late when he was discovered, he lost a lot of blood, Katras' medical condition is not good, and there is no blood bank, this prisoner may die soon it's..."

Yan Yu frowned upon hearing this, "Okay, I'll be right over."

She looked at Gu Cichuan, and said apologetically, "I'm in a hurry now, and I'll come back to apply medicine to you later."

Gu Cichuan was close, and he had already heard the general idea: "You go to work first, I'm not so useless that I can't apply medicine by myself."

Yan Yu looked at his empty right arm sleeve, a trace of worry flashed quickly in her eyes, and there was even a pity she didn't realize.

The bastard Shao Guan not only dug out Gu Cichuan's kneecaps abruptly, but even removed his bionic intelligent prosthesis in order to humiliate Gu Cichuan's lack of body.

Yan Yu softened her voice and comforted: "I will ask the prison doctor to help you install the bionic intelligent prosthesis tomorrow. As for the injury in your legs, you need to install new bionic kneecaps. The prison doctor just said that this operation requires kneecaps. The installation and docking of the electronic nerves and leg nerves, Katras does not have this condition yet, I will find a way to send you to the Cole galaxy next door for treatment."

She paused, and then said hastily: "Don't be sad about this, the medical technology of the empire is now advanced, the bionic intelligent prosthetics you installed before are so lifelike, and the functions are exactly the same as real hands, the legs Don’t worry about hurting you, after an operation, you will be no different from ordinary people.”

Gu Cichuan nodded slightly, with a calm face: "Okay."

Gu Cichuan knew that Yan Yu was afraid that he would be sad about his injury and physical disability, so he kindly comforted him, so he also pretended to be calm and indifferent.

But his body has already been covered with bruises and fragments. Even though he has recovered his surface brilliance after surgery, he may look like ordinary people to outsiders, but Gu Cichuan's heart has always been trapped in deep inferiority and trauma.

He can only build a high wall of sternness and aloofness to cover up his inferiority complex.

As Yan Yu's footsteps gradually disappeared, Gu Cichuan's blue eyes gradually dimmed.

He knew how ugly and unsightly his mutilated, battered body was.

... No alpha would like a rough and incomplete omega like him, let alone Yan Yu. She used to have such a stunning fiancé, so how could she fall in love with him?

When she treats herself well, she just sympathizes with his miserable state, so don't give birth to extravagant and delusional thoughts. Gu Cichuan reminded himself over and over again.

"A Ci! Little Heipi!"

Yan Yu actually went back and forth again, with crisp footsteps from the kicking of military boots.

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