Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Surprise

The floating automatic door opened, and the office was blocked by thick curtains, it was dark, and the air conditioner was fully turned on, he sneezed as soon as he entered. The woman was lying on the sofa staggeringly, with messy hair covering half of her face.

Austin sighed helplessly, turned around and almost tripped over several empty wine bottles, he took out a blanket from the locker, and was about to cover Yan Yu when he turned around and found that she had sat up, Stared blankly at him in a daze.

"...Austin?" Yan Yu rubbed her eyes after sleeping for too long, and her vision was still hazy even if she tried to open her eyes.

Austin put a blanket on Yan Yu: "Master Prison, this is the first time I've seen you drink so much." As a strong alpha, Yan Yu didn't feel cold, but she didn't refute Austin's words. kindness.

Austin, who has always been careful in the past few days, has already noticed Yan Yu's abnormality. Although she still often goes to accompany the c378 prisoner, she has never visited the Class A war criminal again these days.

"Tsk, are there many?" Yan Yu frowned dissatisfiedly: "Such a few bottles are really as tasteless as drinking water, but I searched and searched for a long time, and there are only a few bottles. In this damn place, Katras, I think It's as hard as going to heaven with a drink."

Austin shook his head as if laughing, he seemed to be about to say something, but Yan Yu said with a bit of confusion in his eyes: "Austin, do you want to stay here with Katlas?"

Austin didn't seem to expect that Yan Yu would ask such a question suddenly, he was taken aback before slowly answering: "I don't have the right to choose."

"What if you can leave?" Yan Yu asked tentatively, "Would you like to go to Imperial Capital and work with me from now on?"

Although Austin is a beta, Yan Yu feels that he is meticulous and patient, and has a high ability to handle affairs. What's more, Yan Yu and Austin have been friends for more than three years, although they are called subordinates.

Yan Yu secretly thought that in the future, the position of her secretary should be reserved for Austin.

Austin looked at Yan Yu with puzzled eyes: "Emperor Capital Star? How is this possible?" He really felt that Yan Yu's question was too strange, let alone someone like him, even Yan Yu's current situation. It would be difficult for Yan Shi to return to the imperial capital, but Austin is still very happy. At least Yan Yu means that he will consider his whereabouts.

However, he might disappoint Yan Yu. Everyone in the organization has a clear division of labor, and the personnel in charge of the Imperial Star have their own arrangements, and the director may not let him go to the Imperial Star.

"It's nothing, just treat it like I'm asking nonsense." Yan Yu looked sloppy. That's what she said, but she clearly knew that the time for her return to the Imperial Capital Star was approaching.

Since the departure of Bruno in the Cole galaxy last time, Yan Hu must have gotten the news, and now he is probably as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. After all, even if you hold something stolen, you will never feel at ease. Yan Hu is a very careful person. He knows that after his mental strength recovers, he will definitely come here in person.

In fact, when Yan Yu was exiled to Katras by her family three years ago, her mental strength had recovered to a very small extent. Although this trace of mental power was so weak that it was almost non-existent, it gave her the belief to endure and live on.

She became prone to drowsiness, also because her body could not bear the pressure of a lot of mental energy to repair itself. But fortunately, although her own mental strength has been slowly restored over the years, she has slowly returned to the previous 4s level bit by bit.

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