Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 Huanzhou

"Where is Ayu, where is she?"

Austin's expression froze, and he smiled embarrassingly: "She can't go with us."

"Why?" Gu Cichuan asked coldly.

He suddenly woke up from dozens of days of lethargy, and he couldn't figure out the current situation for a while, his blue eyes were a little bit bewildered, and he was full of doubts waiting to be solved.

Austin showed a wry smile, pointing to the space glass window next to Gu Cichuan, the vast universe is boundless and limited: "Because we are about to reach the border of the Federation now."

"Federation?" Gu Cichuan's eyes tightened when he heard the words, and his body suddenly became stiff: "Why do we come to the Federation?"

Austin sighed softly, and explained his life experience to Gu Cichuan in short.

Austin thought that Gu Cichuan would be very surprised and happy after hearing about his identity. After all, Gu Cichuan would be His Royal Highness the Prince.

But he never thought that Gu Cichuan's eyes were a little surprised and shocked at the beginning, but soon his face became calm, and he didn't even look half happy.

For Gu Cichuan, this so-called relative had never met him during the decades of sinking and suffering in the first half of his life, but he suddenly appeared after he revealed his 4S-level spiritual power. Without any emotion or expectation.

As for status, fame, wealth and honor, it doesn't matter to Gu Cichuan who has encountered countless ups and downs.

What he cares most at this moment is Yan Yu's safety.

In Gu Cichuan's heart, no one will ever be more important than her.

"Isn't it dangerous for Ayu to stay in the palace?" Gu Cichuan's eyes were filled with worry and concern, and he stood up emotionally, "No, you can't leave Ayu there alone. How can she resist nine 4s by herself, we have to go back!"

"Your Highness Cichuan, calm down, it's too late to go back now." Austin's voice became lower and lower.

"What do you mean?" Gu Cichuan raised his eyes suddenly when he heard the words, his blue eyes were filled with frost.

Austin rolled his eyes subconsciously. He didn't dare to look at Gu Cichuan's expression, and murmured: "The environment of Katras is special, and the concentration of meteorite fragments in the surrounding star field is too high. At that time, when Yan Yu was fighting with those people, the energy fluctuations were too high. , the turbulence caused the turbulent flow of the space crack..."

Time and space turbulence?

Gu Cichuan staggered, his hands and feet were so weak that he almost fell to the ground.

Once caught in the turbulent flow of space cracks, no one can survive.

Austin quickly stepped forward to support Gu Cichuan, and because he was too worried, he subconsciously shouted: "You are pregnant, be careful."

Gu Cichuan's body froze, and he stammered in disbelief and asked, "What did you just say? I, I'm pregnant...Ayu's child?"

Austin nodded with a difficult expression.

He violated the wishes of the higher-ups and informed Gu Cichuan of this without authorization, and he will definitely be severely punished afterwards.

But Austin has no regrets.

Three days ago, the team members of the starship used the medical cabin on the starship to simply conduct a physical examination on Gu Cichuan who was in a coma. Although there were many wounds on his body, fortunately there were no fatal injuries.

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