Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 Attitude

The floating door of the arc-shaped terrace opened, and Austin came out with a complicated face, and put a coat on the thinly dressed Gu Cichuan.

He looked at Gu Cichuan who was alone in front of the terrace, blowing the evening breeze alone, Austin couldn't help but whispered: "Your Highness, the banquet is almost over. After all, this banquet was held in your name by Your Majesty, you But he refuses to even show his face, which will make His Majesty unable to step down, isn't it a bit bad?"

"No." Gu Cichuan said lightly, looking at the distant night sky like a dead statue.

The sound of hustle and bustle came from downstairs, accompanied by cheerful singing and dancing, it was a lively banquet.

Gu Cichuan lowered his eyes and quietly looked at the lights of thousands of families in the distance, like a red galaxy flowing upside down, but the more lively and noisy the surrounding was, the more he was alone and alone.

"Your Highness, I know you have been feeling uncomfortable during this time, but people have to live, and life has to go on." Austin sighed softly.

Austin is not sad for Yan Yu's death, but Yan Yu's wish before death is to let Gu Cichuan not be overly sad for her death, so that he can have a brand new life after arriving in the Federation.

"Your Highness, tonight's banquet is all young and promising Aplhas from the best families in the Federation. Would you like to take a look?" Austin whispered, "You are still so young, it is impossible to be a widow all your life."

Gu Cichuan shook his head expressionlessly: "Austin, don't try to persuade me anymore, my partner will always be Ayu alone."

"After all, this is His Majesty's intention. Even if you don't show up today, your spiritual talent and status are here. From now on, you will always choose an alpha from aristocratic family to marry." Austin said.

Gu Cichuan's face sank when he heard the words, and his blue eyes reflected condensed waves: "I will not agree, and as for them persuading me to kill the child, it is even more impossible. Unless I die, I will never let myself The child was hurt a little."

He paused, and said coldly, "It's better not to have relatives who hold the banner of being good for me but don't respect my wishes at all."

Austin quickly comforted: "Your Highness, you must not say that, your relatives love you very much. When Dijun disappeared because of the rebel army, there was only one body when he was found, but you survived unharmed, Dijun She must have been protecting you before she died, and as for Her Majesty, she has been looking for you for the rest of her life, and she still read your name when she was dying..."

Gu Cichuan's expression softened a bit, but his eyes were full of deep sorrow, and his face faded: "But they are no longer here, and neither is Ayu."

The remaining so-called relatives tried to control everything about him under the banner of doing his best.

If it wasn't for the child in his stomach, Gu Cichuan really didn't know what was the point of living like a walking corpse every day.

"Your Highness, don't blame Your Majesty. Your Majesty is in a high position, and it is difficult to balance various forces..." Austin hurriedly comforted him, but before he finished speaking, the floating door suddenly opened unexpectedly, and a deep male voice Interrupted him: "Andreas, are you very dissatisfied with this banquet I hosted? You hid here tonight and never showed up from beginning to end."

Nathaniel looked very unhappy, Flora was standing beside her, she had a bad face and a bad face, she twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, smiled and said: "Andreas, big brother is holding a banquet Recruiting relatives for you is all for your own good."

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