Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Meet

Later, when he was in the imperial capital, Achilles approached Yan Yu many times, but she always closed the door and disappeared. He finally saw her, but Yan Yu's attitude was as cold and full of disgust as now.

When leaving the imperial capital, Yan Yu deleted and blocked all contact information of Achilles. Three years have passed like this, and Achilles is so close to her, but he still dare not come to her.

If Katras hadn't been sent by accident this time to solve the problem of the star beast turmoil, Achilles really didn't know if he would see her again in this life.

"Ayu, I just wanted you to stay by my side forever, so I lost my mind for a moment, and now I really know that I was wrong," Achilles knelt at her feet, pulling her clothes humblely. corner, showing a smiley and crying expression, begging hoarsely: "Even if it's just an ordinary friend, don't hate me, don't ignore me, Ayu..."

Yan Yu has always been a person who can clearly distinguish between love and hate, so she shook off his hand: "Don't bother me, my assistant Austin will take care of these star beasts for me, you should leave early after you finish."

Achilles' emerald green eyes widened in disbelief, his chapped lips were extremely pale, and his eyes were filled with tears again, but he bit his lips tightly and did not dare to cry for fear that Yan Yu would hate her even more. I couldn't stop crying hoarsely, and choked like a child: "Ayu, don't drive me away, I won't bother you, please, don't hate me, don't drive me away... I just want to see you ..."

Yan Yu frowned, seeing Achilles, who used to be as confident as the sun god, now turned into such a humble and humble appearance. She hated him, but she couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

She sighed faintly, her tone softened slightly: "Achilles, the reason why I hate you so much is because you were my last spiritual support back then, but what have you done..."

Achilles' lips trembled. If he could do it all over again, he would not be so confused. He was just too scared at the time. An excellent person like Gu Cichuan suddenly appeared, and he was really afraid that he would not be able to catch Gu Cichuan. , which made him lose his footing.

"When did you make such a move?" Yan Yu has been unable to figure out this question.

"That year when I was living in the deserted star. Or maybe... earlier." Achilles whispered, "I saw you for the first time when I was six years old, and I thought you were so beautiful, like an oriental porcelain." Baby, I wanted you to be my bride when I was young, but when you were pretending to be a house party, you would always only marry Ning Jin, which made me mad."

Yan Yu looked at Achilles in surprise: "Isn't Ning Jin more beautiful than me? You should also like him by looking at his face."

"But you are the prettiest in my eyes." Achilles smiled bitterly: "Not to mention that thing."

"When you were twelve years old, you differentiated into alpha. I thought I had completely given up. But a year later, our entire junior mecha class was taken by the instructor to the wild star to hunt and kill star beasts for experience, and suddenly encountered a huge storm. I My mech was damaged, and I made an emergency landing in a deep forest area, surrounded by man-eating star beasts, and the storage button was lost.” Achilles paused, and then continued: “I was really scared and hungry at that time. It's so cold, I thought I was going to die in that cold cave..."

"The tutor and the classmates all evacuated, but the rescue team was disturbed by the storm and it took a long time to arrive. Only you drove the mech to find me for three days and three nights without sleep...Only you did not give up on me. Ayu, I like you , has nothing to do with sexual orientation.” Achilles took a deep breath and said, his emerald eyes swayed like duckweeds in a green lake, soaked in indigo starlight and broken awns.

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