Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 Acknowledging relatives

Huan Yue's voice suddenly raised: "Huanzhou, are you injured?"

"It's not me." Huanzhou quickly explained, and he paused: "It's Yan Yu, the direct descendant of the Yan family, the star of the imperial capital, the youngest 4s in the history of the empire, do you have any impression of her?"

"Sister," Huan Zhou smiled embarrassingly, "Well, I may have a little problem."

Huan Yue sneered: "Just like you, you are still like others to escape from prison. Gu Cichuan was rescued by the people of the Federation long ago, you brat, hurry up and go back to the Imperial Star."

"Yan Yu." Huan Yue murmured the name softly, and her face suddenly sank.

However, there was no response, Huanzhou sat up strangely, and the man who was pressing on him just now fell down softly.

"Yan Yu, are you alright? Yan Yu, what's the matter with you?" Huan Zhou asked puzzledly, while subconsciously shaking her shoulder vigorously.

Just now Yan Yu even had a sudden arrest of breathing, appearing to be in suspended animation, if she is not rescued, it may really be hopeless.

Huanzhou rummaged through his storage buttons, but there were only a few medical fluids for treating common trauma. He poured these medical fluids into her mouth with trembling hands, and then Huanzhou also knew in his heart that it would be of no avail after all. of.

Xueqiu couldn't bear it any longer, and couldn't help howling twice, and Huanzhou realized that Yan Yu was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Huanzhou was at a loss and turned on the optical brain, and roughly scanned Yan Yu's body's blood pressure, heartbeat, body temperature and other basic physiological conditions, but the situation was very serious, and her breathing and pulse were already extremely weak.

A few drops of blood fell on Huanzhou's face, his pupils shrank from the cold touch and the bloody smell, and suddenly he felt a lightness on his body, he exclaimed in surprise: "Yan Yu, you remember me, don't you? "

Seeing that Yan Yu's breathing and heartbeat were getting weaker and weaker, Xueqiu was spinning around in a hurry, and kept scratching Huanzhou's knee with his paws. When Huanzhou was at a loss, his brain suddenly rang: "Stinky boy!" Promising, how dare you run away from home.”

Gu Cichuan pursed his lips awkwardly, lowered his eyes and called out in a low voice: "Big Brother, Second Sister."

Nathaniel nodded excitedly: "Andreas, I really didn't expect that after more than 30 years, we could actually find you. If my mother can see you before she dies, she How happy I should be."

In the past few days, the Imperial City has been turned upside down by the owner of this name.

Huan Yue shook her head complicatedly.

It was a miracle that Yan Yu survived the turbulent flow of the crack in space, but after she did such a thing, would the members of the top ten families let her go easily?

This incident was like a thunderstorm on the ground, and the sudden change of the situation caused the people in the empire who had been at ease for hundreds of thousands of years to completely fall into panic.


"Andreas, that's great. We finally found you, and finally fulfilled my mother's last wish." Nathaniel, who was dressed in luxurious attire and had blond hair and blue eyes, hugged Gu Cichuan in surprise , Flora on the side also has blond hair and blue eyes, her eyes are even red, and she couldn't help wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

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