Chapter 57

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Chapter 57 Banquet

Even though the deep winter of the empire was somewhat clouded by the Zerg battlefield on the front line, the arrival of the New Year has made the long-silent atmosphere more active.

Tonight's annual feast is the New Year's party held by the top ten families of the Imperial Capital Star as usual over the years.

Although it is the interstellar era, human beings have not forgotten the most important festival of the mother star, and it is still passed down to this day.

This night's feast was attended by people who stood at the top of the empire's power. Not only the high-level officials belonging to the Ten Clans, but also the leaders of the Imperial Military and Political Departments will entertain and communicate with each other here, and it is also a social party for the high-quality alphas and omega of the new generation of the Ten Clans.

And tonight's feast has added a bit of special historical significance because of the arrival of the federal mission.

It was late at night, and Yan's house was completely empty. The heavy snow like goose feathers flew like catkins, fell into a pair of flawless white palms, was picked up by slender fingers, and melted quickly.

The bone-soaking cold made Ning Jin, who was delicate and weak, couldn't help but sneezed.

He glanced shyly at Yan Yu beside him, the tip of his nose was red from the cold, and the hand hanging by his side silently held the other hand, Ning Jin said softly, "Cold, Ayu."

There is no half of the noble, cold, high-mountain flower appearance in front of outsiders.

Yan Yu glanced at him helplessly, and the spiritual power turned into a substantial warm breath, flowing along the fingers of the two of them.

A snow leopard almost grown up suddenly came out from a secluded corner. Ning Jin was taken aback and quickly hid behind Yan Yu. The contempt was fleeting.

The snow leopard turned around but quickly changed its face. It kept rubbing against Yan Yu with its furry head, and gently nibbled at the hem of her clothes with its teeth like a spoiled child.

Yan Yu knocked the snow leopard's huge head lightly: "Snowball, I can't take you out for a walk today, I'm going to a banquet. You? You can't go, you will scare the omega at the banquet."

There was a whimper from the snow leopard's throat, and the excitement just now was evacuated in an instant, its tail drooped wearily, and it fell down pitifully.

Yan Yu turned her head, and Ning Jin was looking down at the hands of the two people who were clasped together. On the ring fingers, there were wedding rings of the same style, each of which was inlaid with a ninth-level energy stone, shining brightly. .

"Ayu, the wedding ring I picked looks good." Ning Jin raised her head, as if complacently waiting for a compliment.

"Yeah." Yan Yu's brows and eyes were not as alienated and indifferent as usual, and he nodded gently: "It's getting dark, don't play in the snow, it's time for us to go. There are too many people at the banquet tonight, so we'd better go early .”

Ning Jin nodded hurriedly, and stepped on Yan Yu's footprints like a child: "Ayu, there are still 20 days until our wedding date, and I feel nervous when I think about being a newlywed."

Yan Yu was about to speak, but the slippery snow made Ning Jin lose his footing and almost staggered and fell. Ning Jin let out a low cry, his eyes twitched for a while, but Yan Yu held him firmly: "Really, be careful." Just like when he was a child, Yan Yu helped him countless times when he almost fell.

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