Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Heartbeat

"Thirty-five days." Gu Cichuan stared at her coldly with blue eyes, and said coldly.

He paused every word, as if soaked in ice and snow.

Yan Yu was taken aback by the endless words, but she didn't realize it all at once: "What thirty-five days?"


Gu Cichuan pursed his lips, his crow's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he lowered his eyes and said: " haven't come for thirty-five days."

Ever since Yan Yu left in a hurry last time, Gu Cichuan thought that he would wait for her to come back at night or the next day. But he never expected that Yan Yu would not come here again for thirty-five days.

Yan Yu obviously would come here to accompany him every day before, sometimes even several times a day. However, that time, she turned and left in a hurry and never came back.

The morning light breaks, the moon sets and the stars sink, and the dim light tries to get in through the gap of the fan on the top floor and then leaves in a hurry. It goes back and forth thirty-five times.

Gu Cichuan had a stuffy gourd-like awkward temper two days ago, and he was secretly angry by himself with a straight face two days ago, thinking that it was just that Yan Yu was busy with business and couldn't get away for a while, but on the third day he really couldn't help it, and waited until Shao Guan was away When I was in prison, I took the initiative to ask the prison guards who came to deliver meals or make inspections.

Prison guards work in shifts, and almost all of them are familiar faces.

Most of the time, they stay far away from the high-energy barrier, not getting close.

Some prison guards chose to ignore Gu Cichuan’s question directly, some trembled and ran away when Gu Cichuan’s eyes looked over, and some didn’t know what to ask, and answered vaguely that the warden seemed to be Not in Cutlass.

"Not in Kateras, then where did she go?" Gu Cichuan frowned and asked in a deep voice, even though he just had such a deadpan face, he still looked serious and solemn, not angry and majestic, and let The prison guard subconsciously shook his body and took a few steps back.

Across the high-energy barrier, the prison guard was still standing far away, he swallowed his saliva and stammered and replied: "We don't know much about that either." Then he turned around quickly.

Gu Cichuan lowered his eyes, and could only turn around and push the wheelchair away from the high-energy barrier. He stayed silently in the corner, watching the dust dancing in the narrow beam of light.

He couldn't help but recall the details of Yan Yu's departure that day over and over again.

When Yan Yu left that day, her expression was in a hurry, as if something unexpected happened, but she only left a word to tell him to be good and take a good rest, and left in a hurry. What kind of unexpected situation happened to keep her away for so long, she won't be in any danger... Or, did he do something wrong that day to make her unhappy?

Yan Yu wanted to help him with good intentions that day, but he brushed her hand away ignorantly, insisting on moving himself from the wheelchair to the side of the bed, but fell to the ground overwhelmed by his strength, he looked so embarrassed and unbearable There is no way to hide his appearance, and he can see it all in her eyes.

Gu Cichuan's expression concentrating on reminiscing suddenly became gloomy. He looked at his legs on the wheelchair with a stiff expression, and his heart trembled suddenly.

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