Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Misunderstanding

Yiyan Yu is twenty-three years old this year, and has been an adult alpha for almost five years.

2. When I was in the imperial capital, everyone knew that once her limit was touched, she would fight with others. People in the top ten families called her crazy behind her back.

Three She has killed people.

When the man was strangled by her neck, his tears flowed, his eyes were bloodshot and swollen, like a dying fish that fell on the bank, his eyeballs were so staring that they were about to fall out, and his entire facial features were distorted due to suffocation.

He kept cursing, begging, and screaming miserably, every word clearly penetrated into her eardrum. But she still crushed the bridge of his nose expressionlessly, crushed every bone in his body inch by inch, and tortured him in all cruel and vicious ways.

In the end, Ning Jin cried and hugged her calf: "Ayu, stop, no matter what, Aying will never come back, and Uncle Ye doesn't want to see you like this..."

When Ning Jin mentioned Uncle Ye, Yan Yu finally gave the people on the ground a good time.

To sum up, she is not a cowardly coward.

But when Gu Cichuan squinted his eyes and asked softly: "Who taught you to smoke?"

The fine hairs on her exposed skin subconsciously stood up, as if staring at the abyss, the childhood nightmare reappeared, when she was a teenager, she secretly played with her deskmate in class and discovered that the head teacher was expressionless outside the window behind her. staring at you...

It was only after her physical survival instinct made her blow off the cigarette butt that she seemed to realize, no, she is the warden of the prison, but now Gu Cichuan is just a jailed prisoner, what is she afraid of him doing?

For a moment, the strange atmosphere made the two of them speechless.

Gu Cichuan seemed to be aware of his gaffe, he pursed his lips, and lowered his blue eyes without saying a word.

Yan Yu shook her head, and when she was about to leave, she couldn't help but sniffed suddenly.

A faint fragrance appeared at some unknown time, and it filled the tip of her nose and filled her sleeves before she knew it.

The sweet white peach scent is moist but not greasy, like the peach-flavored sparkling water in a glass bottle in summer. She took a deep breath and seemed to feel the fresh and juicy peach with pink bubbles bursting between her lips and teeth. open. Immediately, the sweetness of white peaches slowly dissipated, and what appeared was a faint tea flavor, mellow and rich, which seemed to be the unique fragrance of oolong tea.

For some reason, she actually found this smell somewhat familiar.

Light and shadow intertwined, and countless distorted pictures and sounds intertwined and passed away, but she couldn't grasp anything.

Wait, it's all right, where does the smell of white peach oolong come from in the cell?

She turned around slowly, and when her eyes met, Gu Cichuan immediately lowered her head, as if embarrassed, a bit of a pretentious cover-up that there is no money here.

Although he tried his best to put on an expressionless face, and his dark complexion didn't show any clues, Yan Yu could still see that his ears were abnormally red when he took a closer look.

"...Little Heipi, you must be in heat, right?"

Although she doesn't know much about omega's menstrual period, she only knows that omega will have it once a month, and it will last for three to five days. However, Omega's estrus period is not fixed. Although there are only two or three times a year, the time is longer, but it is not fixed. It may be about a week, or it may last for more than half a month.

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