Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 wrong move

The sky was getting late, gloomy and dark, with lingering damp and cold rain, a figure stood not far from the Alves Nursing Home, with people passing by constantly around him, but he stood here blankly, without an umbrella, letting the lingering The needle-like drizzle drenched the whole person, his face was pale, his forehead hair was wet and stuck to his forehead, like a lonely ghost, standing in the rain without anyone.

After an unknown amount of time, he walked in with a stiff expression.

He knew what was coming to him, even if he was killed by Yan Yu, he deserved it.

Sure enough, when he pushed open the door, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Achilles sneered, and stood in front of Yan Yu like a calf: "Qu Hongyu, do you still have the face?"

After hearing the name, Yan Yu raised her eyes suddenly, stared at the person in front of her, and slowly pulled Achilles to walk in front of him.

Qu Hongyu has been described as haggard these days, unkempt, his chin is covered with dense crab-shell blue stubble, the flesh of his cheeks has sunken due to emaciation, and his cheekbones are raised high. Where does he still have the original handsome and gentle appearance, more like a slovenly vagabond.

"Ayu, I'm sorry." Looking at Yan Yu's eyes engraved with strong hatred, Qu Hongyu said softly, "I didn't know that chip would hurt you so badly, I really didn't know...I also Unexpectedly, Aying would secretly pick you up without telling us. Yan Hu lied to me, he said that I only need to change the main control chip of your mecha, and then my father will be released on bail and help our family pay off the debts. Obviously saying that will only make you lose the championship of the Imperial Military Academy Mecha League..."

Over the years, Qu Hongyu has been jealous of Yan Yu and Achilles more than once, and his ridiculous self-esteem also made Qu Hongyu would rather bow to everyone than let these two people know when a catastrophe happened to his family. That's why he agreed to the deal with Yan Hu.

But he really never thought of harming Yan Yu into such a mentally powerful appearance, and even unintentionally caused Yan Ying to lose her life.

Seeing the culprit appear, and he is still her best friend who has been with her for many years, Yan Yu lost control of her emotions for the first time since the accident. She lifted Qu Hongyu's collar fiercely, and asked with tears in her eyes: " Qu Hongyu, how have I ever done anything wrong to you over the years? Now that my mental power has been crippled, and Aying was also killed by you, are you satisfied? I don’t want anything, then you can return Aying to me , give her back to me!"

"...You didn't apologize to me, but you and Achilles were born with everything. I am different from you. I can only fight for everything by myself." Qu Hongyu finally couldn't help but reveal it for so many years Coming to the source of his pain, he burst into tears, but roared hoarsely: "I never thought that the situation would become like this, I just wanted to give myself a future, I really didn't think about the situation It will become like this."

Qu Hongyu looked at Yan Yu and Achilles, and the corner of his lips suddenly raised a mocking arc: "How can you young masters and young ladies who are so rich and precious, know the fear of a humble ant like me? I Staying by your side is as humble as a dog you have raised. I just want to rise up by myself, what's wrong?"

"Yan Hu promised to help your family pay off the debts, let your father be released on bail, and promised to let you become a captain. Is this the bright future you would rather betray us than choose? Well, I hope you will never regret it." Yan Yu only thought Ridiculous, showing a sarcastic but tired smile.

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