Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Betrayal

Later, when Yin Chong approached him again, Yan Yu only answered one or two times absent-mindedly. Yin Chong stopped talking, and walked all the way to the prison on the top floor relatively silently.

Several prison guards opened the high-energy barrier. Yin Chong was about to go in, but he saw Yan Yu who was about to go in with him. He immediately stopped in his tracks and asked with a half-smile, "Excuse me, can Warden Yan avoid it?" a while?"

Yan Yu smiled, pretending to be ignorant of the world: "What's the matter, is there something important and confidential that I can't hear?"

Yin Chong shook his head, and explained patiently in order to show his favor to Yan Yu: "To be honest, people in the top ten families are in a hurry, and they want to waste Gu Cichuan's pregnancy and childbirth every day, so one day's time is not a waste. I can't be idle in Katrus for a month, so I'll get rid of Gu Cichuan's aloof and stubborn temperament early, and then I can auction him off as soon as possible when I return to Imperial Capital Star."

Yan Yu held back the raging anger in her heart, she was worried that they would do something cruel and inhumane to Gu Cichuan, so she deliberately put on a casual look: "I'm really curious about your methods, so I can't watch and learn from the sidelines ?"

Yin Chong smiled and said: "I'm afraid this is inconvenient. Behind me are two senior mediators/teachers. They are very experienced and can use various methods to quickly destroy a person's psychological defenses, not only depriving him of his self-esteem and arrogance. , can also make it become unconscious, and completely become a lustful and thirsty slave.”

If it wasn't for the spiritual power of the other nine 4s dancing around, reminding Yan Yu that he should not act rashly at this moment, Yan Yu really wanted to smash the hateful face in front of him with his fist.

She took a deep breath, deliberately put on the look of a dandy in the imperial capital, and asked with a bit of a rogue: "Since Gu Cichuan is such a precious 4s-level oga, I am also very excited, why should I?" Do you know if you will do tricks behind my back? For example, let others steal something?"

There was a clear expression in Yin Chong's eyes, and he chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Warden Yan, my optical brain is being monitored in real time by people from the top ten families. Apart from making him suffer, there is nothing else to do. I dare not do it."

"Oh?" When speaking, Yan Yu unconsciously looked into Yin Chong's eyes.

The collar around Gu Cichuan's neck is equipped with miniature nano bombs, which can only be opened by Yin Chong's iris.

She really wanted to gouge out the eyes of this wolf-hearted man in front of her right now.

Yin Chong still didn't know the real and terrifying thoughts of the laughing woman in front of him, so he continued talking unconsciously.

"Gu Cichuan's first pregnancy has been clearly decided to be a fair bid in the auction, and the order of pregnancy will be from high to low in order of price. Otherwise, it will take 14 months for him to give birth once, even if he is the average age of an interstellar citizen At the age of three hundred, they can only have about two hundred children. The powerful high-ranking members of the top ten families all want talented heirs, and the supply is in short supply. If they don’t come in this order, it’s not a mess? As long as the auction returns Before it started, no one dared to mark him privately, leave a mark on his genital cavity, otherwise it would be an enemy of the top ten families."

The corner of Yan Yu's lips curled into a sarcasm: "You guys are really thoughtful."

"Okay, then please Warden Yan, please don't bother me to do things anymore, otherwise the nine 4s are not just decorations. Originally, to prevent star thieves or accidents in the Federation, only two or three 4s escorts are needed, but each Clans restrain each other, and they all guard against the 4s in other clans to attack first, so this time they mobilize so many people.”

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