Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 Marshal will not compete with Brother Cichuan for favor

"Tomorrow, the starship group of our expeditionary force will officially set off. They are almost ready. Do you have any objections?" Yan Yu asked calmly, resting her forehead with her right hand.

  It was still the venue of the summit meeting in the past, but the original crowd was less than half. They were members of the family who were eliminated during the internal strife.

  "No... Marshal." Ning Yulong respectfully said with a complex expression.

  In addition to the top ten generals, it is not that the empire has not produced marshals over the years, but this position is generally a puppet jointly selected and cultivated by the ten clans, but Yan Yu actually holds the real power in his hands.

  Yan Yu's ruthlessness and determination far exceeded his expectations. Not only did he secretly team up with Achilles and Huan Yue to directly eliminate the Prescott family headed by Jeff and several other families, he even acted vigorously. He directly used force to force Yan Wenyan to abdicate.

  "We are already at a disadvantage, and now there are so many 4S-level top experts, in my opinion, it is better not to fight, just surrender and negotiate terms with the Zerg."

  Some people couldn't help showing their fear of fighting, but This negativity is not just a minority, almost all are dissatisfied with the infighting in this Zerg war.

  Even Huanzhou couldn't help but glared at Huanyue dissatisfiedly, but because he and Huanyue were siblings, he couldn't help but say bluntly: "I really don't understand that you are completely in the eyes of power. Is it necessary to have an infighting, so that the already inferior empire's combat power will be further weakened."

  Huan Yue smacked Huan Zhou's head hard, and Huan Zhou let out an ouch, and Huan Yue said coldly: " You know what a fart, if we give up half a step, let alone die in the mouth of the Zerg, our entire Huan family has been annexed by Jeff's Prescott family long ago, as for Yan Yu..."

  Huan Yue Subconsciously glanced at the woman in the high seat, and said in a low voice: "If you don't get rid of these restless guys, when Yan Yu goes to the battlefield, what's waiting for her is not only the overwhelming Zerg, but also the people behind her." At least now you don’t need to worry about the people behind it.”

  Yan Yu glanced lightly at the people present who were obviously full of dissatisfaction and complaints, but she didn’t regret her decision this time with blood on her hands.

  Without power, you cannot protect those you want to protect.

  "The current situation is special. I propose to open the right of Omegas in the entire empire to join the army and join the army. Omegas have been restrained by birth all these years, but in fact their wisdom and spiritual power are no worse than alphas. With this new force pouring in, The empire's combat power will be greatly improved."

  Yan Yu raised the most taboo topic in the empire for thousands of years in a very calm tone.

  The concept above alpha has been corrupted but has stubbornly ruled the empire for thousands of years.

  Alphas limit Omega's right to join the army and become officials, not because Omega's ability is insufficient, but alphas simply don't allow Omega to share their exclusive rights and interests, so they have been captive and brainwashing Omega, imprisoning their Thoughts, deprive them of their power, and turn them into mind-numbing reproductive machines.

According to Yan Yu's meaning, it is a precedent. In the future, the wave of AO equal rights in the empire may no longer be suppressed and attacked.

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