Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 Possessiveness can bully him in any way.

Huan Yue raised her red lips, and behind her was Achilles with a complex expression.

  Yan Yu was stunned: "When did you come here?"

  Huan Yue rubbed her nose and said with a smile, "I waited in the living room downstairs for a long time before, and the servants only said that they had passed it on to Austin. If we can’t sit still, we can only come up directly.”

  Austin’s face turned pale, and he explained guiltily: “I’m sorry, I was too panicked when the kitchen exploded just now, but I forgot it in the end...”

  Yan Yu looked at him with some embarrassment Gu Cichuan: "A Ci, I have something to discuss with them." Gu Cichuan didn't say much, nodded his head lightly, and then took Austin out.

  When passing by Huan Yue and Achilles, Gu Cichuan nodded slightly with no expression on his face. Even though he was still wearing a bear apron, he still did not show off his anger, and still did not change his usual quiet and cold aura , the cold and solemn aura can make people hold their breath subconsciously.

  Huan Yue smiled meaningfully, and her long curly hair poured down to one side: "I never thought that Gu Cichuan would look so virtuous when he saw such an arrogant and indifferent person at home."

  Achilles seemed to be thinking As if he was thinking about something, his golden sideburns slightly blocked his side face, and his blue eyes were deep and full of complexity.

  When he saw Yan Yu making out with others before, he was only jealous and unwilling, but now seeing Yan Yu's sincere smile, I don't know why compared to before, he only felt relieved.

  "The finishing work these days has really troubled you." Yan Yu's face showed a bit of sincere gratitude.

  "No, don't thank us. Although we have gone through a lot, we didn't walk through the gate of hell like you. We almost lost our lives." Huan Yue waved her hands: "Jeff and After the death of the rest of the 4S high-ranking officials, these clans became leaders and acted independently. It was very smooth for us to defeat them one by one, but Yan Wenyan’s side, it’s not easy for us to intervene...”

  Yan Yu frowned: “Well, Yan Wenyan’s Don’t worry about it, it’s just a dying struggle. It’s just that we must settle the inside first, and now we have the most difficult internal problems, and we can free up our hands to solve the Zerg.”

  Speaking of the Zerg matter, Yan Yu unconsciously looked at Achilles, but he seemed to be in a daze, with his eyes without any focal length, staring at the void absently.

  Yan Yu could only call out his name: "Achilles, do you have any idea about the project in the laboratory I asked you to find out before?"

  Achilles was shocked, and his expression suddenly became strange Get up: "Ayu, I was thinking about talking to you about this today. I never thought that the person who cooperated with Yan Hu back then would be him."


  Gu Ci Chuan gently sat down beside Yan Yu, and Yan Yu blinked, only to realize that Huan Yue and Achilles had left.

  "I've been staying with you for the past few days, and Yan Yun has been worried about you all the time. I just said that I wanted to come and see you." Gu Cichuan paused and then asked with concern: "By the way, Ayu, what you just said What? I feel something is wrong with your expression."

  Yan Yu didn't want Gu Cichuan to worry, so she shook her head: "It's nothing, I just discussed with you about how to deal with the rest of the Prescott family and the other families.
  The person,"

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